Northern California Angora Guild

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Show C English/French/Satin Angora Judging at Hollister

Show C judging Angoras is Scott Rodriguez of WY.

Judge Scott handling a white English Angora.

Judge Scott examining a colored English Angora.

BOV white and BOV colored competing for BOB English Angora.  Guess what? It's a mama and daughter competition: the BOV white is Princess Ga Ga and the BOV colored is Aurelia.   Aurelia wins over her mother Princess Ga Ga.  

Judge Scott bred and showed English Angora when he was a youth, winning ARBA convention youth BOB and open BOV in 1988.  A year or so later, he won Best In Show with his English Angora in the open and youth Angora National.  

The French Angoras are next to be judged.

Lillian comes by to help clerking.  On the table is the French Angora colored senior doe.

The cute French Angora junior bucks being judged and the littermate junior does looking on.

Now the two pretty French Angora junior does are the focus. 

The two colored French Angora seniors competing for BOB and BOSB.   The chestnut doe wins the BOB and the chocolate agouti buck is the BOSB.

Colored and white Satin Angoras are next to be judged.

Casey clerks for the Satin Angora.

The white Satin Angora are being examined.  The BOB Satin Angora is a white senior doe.

For a list of winners, go to:

NCAG Show Results: December 7, 2024 Angora Showing at Hollister


Friday, December 13, 2024

Show B English/French/Satin Angora Judging at Hollister

Judge Cheryl Blackman of Texas judging the white English Angora in show B.

Judge Cheryl compares the English Angora colored senior bucks.  There are three littermates in the class, they are almost identical.

English Angora colored senior doe, BOB and advances to Reserve In Show at the end of the day.

French Angoras on the table for judge Cheryl.

French Angora colored senior buck.

The first place French Angora colored junior buck.

The winner of the French Angora colored senior doe.

The French Angora BOB goes to the colored senior buck and the BOSB goes to the colored senior doe.

Satin Angoras being judged, Casey clerks.

Judge Cheryl examines a pretty Satin Angora colored senior doe.

For a list of winners, go to:

NCAG Show Results: December 7, 2024 Angora Showing at Hollister

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Santa's Jackpot at Hollister

Rabbit Producers of Santa Clara Valley finds fun things to do during their shows in addition to the regular ARBA shows.  During lunch break, Chris Zemny announces the Santa's Jackpot Competition.    It's also called the "Best Bred by Exhibitor" competition.   

Chris Zemny, the general chairman of the show, collects $5 entry fee per exhibitor per rabbit to compete.  There are 42 participants, the total pot is $210, $105 goes to the club and $105 goes to the winner.   The judge is Nate Burbidge of Utah.

The 42 exhibitors watching the competition, hoping for the $105 prize. 

Judge Nate's choice is the English Angora.

Chris Zemny announces that Aurelia is the winner.    Judge Nate awards the money!


Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Show A English/French/Satin Angora Judging at Hollister

Show A judge for Angoras is Uno Kivi.   Here is his judging list.

English Angoras are on the table.   Casey clerks for judge Uno.

White English Angora senior buck class winner.

The English Angora white senior doe is the BOV and the senior buck BOSV.

There are five full coated English Angora colored senior bucks in the class.

The BOB English Angora is the colored senior doe and BOSB the colored senior buck, both shown by Betty Chu.

Next in line are the French Angoras.  Airi helps to clerk.

While judge Uno is examining the two French Angora colored junior buck, Griffin comes by to photo bomb.

Griffin gives thumb up to the Angoras.   Griffin works as the show secretary and one of the judges, he's on double duty.

The two French Angora junior does are very cute.

This is the first place French Angora colored senior buck also the BOSB.

The BOB French Angora is the colored senior doe shown by Carol Green.  The BOSB is the colored senior buck shown by Betty Chu.

Casey clerks for the Satin Angora.

The Satin Angora line up from inside the judging table.

Judge Uno checking the underside of a Satin Angora.

The Satin Angora BOV colored on the table.

The BOB Satin Angora goes to the white senior doe shown by Casey Jones.

For a list of winners, go to:

NCAG Show Results: December 7, 2024 Angora Showing at Hollister


Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Open Top Winners at Hollister

Rabbit Producers of Santa Clara Valley sponsors triple all breed shows at Hollister on Saturday, December 7, 2024.  The show received one of the highest entries in a one-day local show, over 2400 with 11 judges from California and all over the country.   Judges are: Doug King (CA), Cheryl Blackman (TX), Nate Burbidge (UT), Cole Rupprecht (MN), Joe Lugo (CA), Uno Kivi (CA), Ray Stacy (CA), Carol Green (CA), Scott Rodriguez (WY), Alan Rafferty (MS), and Griffin Harrah (OR). 

Show A Best In Show judge: Cole Rupprecht of MN.
Best In Show rabbit: Holland Lop shown by Chris Zemny.
Reserve In Show rabbit: English Angora shown by Betty Chu.

Show B Best In Show judge: Cheryl Blackman of TX.
Best In Show rabbit: American Fuzzy Lop shown by Nate Burbidge and Carol Green,
Reserve In Show rabbit: English Angora shown by Betty Chu.

Show C Best In Show judge: Scott Rodriguez of WY.
Best In Show rabbit: English Angora shown by Betty Chu.

Show C Reserve In Show rabbit: English Lop shown by Amanda Brewer.


Monday, December 09, 2024

Aurelia Wins Best In Show and Reserve In Show at Hollister

Aurelia gets to go to the show for the first time, she debuts at the Rabbit Producers of Santa Clara Valley at Hollister.

In show A, judge Cole Rupprecht from MN awards the Reserve In Show to Aurelia.  

In show B, judge Cheryl Blackman from TX also awards Aurelia the Reserve In Show.

In show C, judge Scott Rodriguez from WY awards the the Best In Show to Aurelia.  

This is Aurelia's first trip ever out of Mama Betty's home.  One all breed Best In Show and two Reserve In Show out of three shows, that is a pretty nice record.   Aurelia also won a couple other non ARBA awards, more to come.