Northern California Angora Guild

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Remember When: Polly and Charlene in 1995

These are photos taken of Polly and Charlene with their winning Satin Angora in the 1995 ARBA national convention in Louisville. In this convention, Polly took Best Opposite Sex with her colored buck and Charlene took Best of Breed with her white doe.
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Polly and Charlene have been members of NCAG for a long time. They still are members today. Polly is still our director. Charlene was once the president of NCAG but is no longer an officer or on the board of NCAG.
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Both Polly and Charlene were very active in breeding and showing Satin Angora. Two of them were the only ones who had held the development certificate and officially presented Broken Satin Angora. Charlene was able to pass the first presentation but was not able to go any further. Polly picked up what Charlene had done, but was not able to get the Broken Satin Angora passed.
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Both Polly and Charlene still have rabbits but neither is active in showing. We do see Polly once a year in the shows in NV where she does her registrar work.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Natalia, A Lilac Tort English Angora

We do not see lilac tort English Angora very often; as a result, most could not correctly identify the color.

American Fuzzy Lop breeder Susie is good at colors. She sends in three pictures of Natalia in the judging coop at the Portola Valley shows. Susie says: "I was taking pictures around the show, I captured a few cute ones of a Lilac Tort English Angora, not sure if she is yours or not, but what a cutie! Very eye catching. Here she is... "

Susie continues, "She had tons of pride and dignity, goodness, she knew she was pretty!"

Susie takes great photos, to see more of the photos taken at Portola Valley, go to:

The first picture of Natalia was taken at Betty's home and the next three pictures were taken by Susie at the Portola Valley shows. Different lighting could make the same color look very different in pictures. The first photo was taken on a sunny day. The judging tables at the Portola Valley shows were placed under a tent in a very shady spot. The real color of an English Angora lilac tort is somewhere between these two shades of colors, not as bright as the first picture but somewhat more intense than the three taken in the shade.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

More Scenes from Portola Valley

The shows held at Carol G.'s home at Portola Valley is not just shows. It's also a summer party.

Here are some more scenes. At the top, Brooke is relaxing at the poolside during the lunch break.

Charlie, Brooke, Randy and Casey are chatting in the second photo.

Charlie and Casey are catching up on what's going on in the third picture.

In the Fourth photo, Bob, Kelly and Roger are under the patio umbrella; the big box on the patio table is full of little chicks that were hatched just days prior. Kelly just received the chicks from Carol G.

During the raffle, Tracy won a basket of homemade jams in the fifth photo.

The last photo shows Carol W., Lindsay and Sharon working on their rabbits.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy The Fourth Of July

Northern California Angora Guild wishes everyone a Happy Independence Day.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Charlie Comes to Visit

NCAG ex-president Charlie has not been in any of the activities for a while. For this show and party, he drove a 6+ hour round trip to visit and to share his famous chocolate chip cookies.

Some of his recent activities include the building of his house and being the lead actor of a play called "Social Security". He plays a 100-year-old man; because of this role, he has dyed his hair in a very light color.

Top photo is Charlie with Casey and Casey's pretty white junior does. Charlie is very envious of the bunnies; he has not been successful in getting live bunnies from his breedings.

Second photo is Charlie chatting with Brooke, our judge in show A, during the lunch break.

Randy is one of the very top Angora goat breeders in the nation. Casey and Randy do their goat talk quite a bit. Recently Casey picked up her yarns from the mill; these yarns are made from the combination of mohair from her Angora goats, wool from her sheep and Angora wool from her rabbits. These yarns are beautiful. In the third photo, Casey is showing these yarns to Randy.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Double American Fuzzy Lop Shows in Portola Valley

In the American Fuzzy Lop specialty shows in Portola Valley, the winners are different rabbits.

In the top picture, Christina won the Best of Breed with her solid senior doe Indiana. This doe loves to show off; in this picture, she insists on doing her dancing pose. This is not a "regular" pose for a Fuzzy Lop, but sure is a cute pose. Christina is having a good time watching her naughty girl doing her thing.

In the second picture, Carol G. won the Best Opposite Sex with her solid senior buck Cadet.

The third picture is solid senior buck High Step, winner of the Best of Breed in show B. The fourth photo is broken senior doe Regan, winner of the Best Opposite Sex in show B. Regan, a.k.a. Killer, is the daughter of Indiana, Christina's BOB winner is show A. Regan is full of attitude just like her mother.

The fifth picture is Randy and Carol G. with her two winner rabbits High Step and Regan.

The sixth picture shows judge Brooke with Jennifer who won the Best of Breed and Best Opposite Sex in the youth show A. Jennifer also won the same in show B.

There were a good number of entries in the shows. Congratulations to the winners.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Annual Poolside Party and Double Shows

During the summer, Carol G. gives a backyard poolside potluck party with double shows. Her breed is the American Fuzzy Lop; she and the High Flying Fuzzy Lop Club are very generous and kind to include NCAG in the party and shows.

In today's pictures, we show the Angora shows; photos of the Fuzzy Lop shows will be posted in the next day.

The top picture shows Betty's lilac tort English Angora senior doe Chu's Natalia that won the Best In Show in both shows.

In the second picture, show A judge Brooke is next to the four Best of Breed winners. From left to right are the French Angora white senior buck shown by Lindsay, English Angora colored senior doe shown by Betty, Satin Angora white senior buck and Giant Angora junior buck, both shown by Tracy.

In the third picture, our two judges Brooke and Randy are chatting during the lunch break.

In the fourth picture, Randy is judging French Angora while the exhibitors are listening carefully. Randy's pick of Breed of Breed are essential the same except the French Angora Best of Breed winner went to a black junior doe shown by Carol W., the Best Opposite Sex was Lindsay's white buck that won BOB in show A. The last photo shows the Angora breeders busy grooming for the show.