What is ROY? It's the abbreviation of "Rabbit of the Year". It is an award installed by the National Angora Rabbit Breeders Club (NARBC). Based on the Best of Breed (BOB) and Best Opposite Sex of the Breed (BOSB) won by each rabbit during the period of August 1 to July 31 the next year. The calculation is as follows: BOB gets 2 points x the number of the rabbits shown in the breed, BOSB gets 1 point x the number of the rabbits in the breed. The most current year final numbers have just been released, for the sweepstakes year August 1, 2022 to July 31, 2023, the ROY English Angora and French Angora breeds are:
Betty's girls are very fortunate to have received the first place ROY in both English Angora and French Angora.