Northern California Angora Guild

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Vera Rose Debutant

Remember us?  I am Vera Rose, I am the second from the left.   Yesterday you saw my brother Victor, he is the one on the very right.

Look at me now.

I am a pretty girl, but mama Betty has not yet taken me to a show.  My brothers have been telling me how much fun they had going to shows, seeing and smelling hundreds of bunnies.

Mama Betty says that I will be going to shows tomorrow, I am so excited.  I hope I do mama Betty Proud.


Friday, July 12, 2024

Victor Likes to Show Off his Big Face

Hi,  I am Victor.

Like my big face?

It's nice to be out, I wish it's not that hot but I am enjoying it.


Thursday, July 11, 2024

KeKetuohai in Xinjaing

The name of this scenery area is called Keketuohai.   In Chinese, hai means sea. 

Actually Keketuohai is not a sea, it's a global geopark.

It has beautiful water streams and rock formations.

Geo formations.

More geo formations.

A unique looking bridge over the water to connect one scenery point to the other. 

Dancer in their native custome entertaining the tourists.

Dancers accept requests from tourists for photo ops.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Snowcap Mountains in Xinjaing

The mountain range of Xinjaing are the homes of the nomadic tribes.  

The main way of living is to drive the cattle and sheep to areas where they can find food and water sources.

The snowcap mountains are majestic and beautiful.

Photos cannot showcase the size of the mountains.

There are some houses at the flatter land with people.

Most of the scenery is the beauty of the nature.


Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Camellia Grows Wool Length

This is Camellia at the Santa Maria show on June 1, she was over 14 months old then.   Thanks to Bri to have made this pretty flowery protrait.

Camellia is now almost 16 months old in mid July, her coat is getting longer.

Her coat is for sure longer than a "foot-long" sandwich or ....

Our area has been in an over 100 degree heat wave for more than a week, it's hard to groom during the daytime.

Most of the grooming are done at late night, ....

... sometimes as late as midnight.

Just share a few photos taken in the dark of the night.


Monday, July 08, 2024

Casey’s Beautiful Orchid Blooms

Last year on Mother's Day, Casey received the gift of a Phalaenopsis Orchid from Melissa, Cole's "Honey".  It was blooming but eventually the flower wilted away. 

 Casey said that, "Melissa instructed to socks it once a week then drain. Well I've done it for all this time. It grew a weird thing out of the side.  I had no idea what it was. Melissa told me it was going to bloom. It's been so fun watching this process." 

It's blooming!!!

Casey said that this was the first time that an orchid came back with blooms, she is thrilled.

Casey is sharing the beauty of her orchid with us.   It is gorgeous.

Sunday, July 07, 2024

Brothers Want to be Known

Remember us?  Our mama is Princess Ga Ga.  We are three brothers and one sister.

Our sister and other brother got to be the 4th of July models, but we were left out!
We are sad, we are as good looking as they are, why are we left out?

I am cute and I am handsome too.

I am cuter and more handsome than my brother, and I am lovable.