Northern California Angora Guild

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Saturday Show A Best In Show Judging at Anderson

Mike Mageles is the show A Best In Show judge.

BOB Flemish Giant.

BOB English Angora.

BOB French Angora.

BOB Giant Angora.

BOB Tan.

BOB Mini Rex.

BOB Lionhead.

BOB Holland Lop.

The Best In Show in show A is the Britannia Petite and the Reserve In Show is the Florida White. Both rabbits are shown by Randy Shumaker.

Friday, December 27, 2024

Saturday Show B Angora Judging at Anderson

Saturday show B judge for Angoras is Mike Mageles of Maine.  On the table are the English Angora.

English Angora colored senior buck.

Another English Angora colored senior buck. 

English Angora colored senior doe that is BOB.

Deidre watches judge Mike handling a French Angora.

Carol clerks the French Angora judging.

A very intense colored French Angora junior buck. 

The BOB French Angora is the colored senior buck.

The BOSB French Angora is the fawn senior doe.

Tammy Vaughn clerks for the Giant Angora judging.   Deidre and Kinley watch.

The BOB Giant Angora is this beautiful intermediate chestnut doe.

For a list of winners, go to:

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Saturday Show A Angora Judging at Anderson

Melissa Magee is the judge for Angoras in show A on Saturday, December 14.   On the table is an English Angora white senior doe.

Betty clerks for judge Melissa during the English Angora judging.  Deidre watches.

The English Angora colored senior buck class has three very nice brothers.

The rabbit and the judge both look a bit wet; it was pouring rain outside.  We all got soaked when going in and out of the showroom to get things or use the restroom that is in a separate building.

Judge Melissa comments while brother looking on.

The English Angora BOB winner is the sister!  Senior does are hard to beat.

There are quite a few of French Angora on the table.   All colored.  

Tammy, Deidre, Jennie and hubby all watching the French Angora judging.

French Angora colored junior bucks.  

Judge Melissa evaluating a French Angora colored senior doe while Tammy and Carol watching.

French Angora colored junior doe.

The French Angora BOB is this beautiful colored senior doe.

Tammy clerks for judge Melissa when the chestnut Giant Angora are being shown.

The Giant Angora shown during the weekend are juniors and intermediates, so they do not seem to be too "giant" in size.

Judge Melissa checking a chestnut Giant Angora junior buck.  This young buck won BOSB in 6 shows and a BOB in one show.   The BOB Giant Angora goes to the Interemediate doe on judge Melissa's table.

For a list of winners, go to:

NCAG Show Results: December 14, 2024 Angora Showing at Anderson


Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Merry Happy Hoppy Christmas 2024

Santa Clause is coming to see Aurelia. 

Betty joins Santa and Aurelia. 

Casey is joining in to celebrate. 

Betty, Casey, Aurelia and
Northern California Angora Guild
Wish everyone a very Merry Happy Hoppy Christmas 2024. 


Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Friday Night Best In Show Judging

Cathy Szychulda judges the Friday Night open Best In Show.  BOBs on the table.

English Angora BOB and French Angora BOB are on their extra large coop on the back table.

Running breed Tan is running, judge Cathy follows it.

Looks like a Florida White. 

BOB Holland Lop.  

BOB American Fuzzy Lop.

BOB New Zealand.

BOB English Angora.

Best In Show goes to Kelly Hinde's Tan.

Reserve In Show goes to Betty Chu's English Angora.


Monday, December 23, 2024

Friday Night Angora Judging at Anderson

California Rabbit and Cavy Shows (CRCS) sponsor 5 open shows on 3 days from Friday, December 13 to Sunday December 15, 2024.    This post is about the Angora judgeing on Friday, December 13, 2024.

Judge for Angora at the CRCS Friday night show is Cathy Szychulda.
The show starts with the English Angora.

Jennie Waltz watches judge Cathy examining a white English Angora.

Judge Cathy checking a full coated colored English Angora.

The English Angora BOB goes to Betty's colored senior doe.

There are five Giant Angora on the table, four in the coops, one being examined by judge Cathy.  Tammy clerks.

The Giant Angora are on the table.   Deidre watching.

Tammy clerks for judge Cathy.   They have lots of common experience with COD matters.  Cathy was the ARBA standard committee chair for five years when Tammy started her journey to presenting the chestnut Giant, Tammy had learned a lot from Cathy.   BOB Giant Angora is Tammy's chestnut senior doe.

There are 14 French Angoras on the table, a very nice number.  Wating judging are mother and daughter Kayla and Kinley.  This is their first ever ARBA show.

French Angora being judged, Tammy stays to clerk.

The French Angora BOB goes to the colored senior doe shown by Carol Green.

For a list of winners, go to: