Northern California Angora Guild

Saturday, June 08, 2024

Show A Best In Show Judging at Santa Maria

Here are some photos from the Central Coast RBA show A Best In Show judging that was done during the breed judging in show B or show C.     It was hard to catch all activities at different tables.   The judge is Allen Mesick.    Not sure who won what.  


Friday, June 07, 2024

Visits from Peggy and Stefan

Peggy and Stefan live in Southern California, they have driven a very long way to visit me at Dixon in 2019:  Northern California Angora Guild: Friends from Southern California (

Though we are in touch, it has been 5 years since the last visit.    It was great to see them again at Santa Maria.   It was a short drive than Dixon but still it's over two hours.    Peggy and Stefan are in movie and TV business, sometimes they could be on location for several months.   Peggy was in Georgia working on "Manhunt" for 8 months in 2023 and 2024.  It's nice to have a rabbit show that is a bit closer to Southern California and that they are in town.  Thank you for the great time.

Peggy and Stefan with Raelynne. 


Thursday, June 06, 2024

Show C English Angora Judging at Santa Maria

In show C, Melissa Magee judges English Angora.

Judge Melissa is very experienced with Angoras.

Judge Melissa checks on the wool tips.

Checks from the front.

Another closer look.

Judge Melissa compares the white senior doe and the colored senior doe for BOB.

The two does are very similar, as they are littermate sisters.

And the BOB goes to the white senior doe.

Her name is Camellia.

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Show B English Angora Judging at Santa Maria

Show B judge for Angora is Jennifer Milburn who is examining the white senior doe.

The colored English Angora are on the table.

On judge Jennifer's table is an English Angora colored senior buck.  

Judge Jennifer is carefully examining the wool of the colored junior buck.  

Judge Jennifer comments and places the colored junior buck.  

The winner of the BOB English Angora is the colored senior doe.

For a list of winners, go to:



Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Show A English Angora Judging at Santa Maria

The Central Coast RBA holds triple open shows at Santa Maria, CA on Saturday, June 1, 2024.

After some delays due to the street closure, the show finally started.   English Angoras are on the table to be judged by Lauralee Erbe.

Judge Lauralee's table clerk is Lois Smith.   Lois's daughter Kate is also a judge, she comes along to visit, not in the photo.

Judge Laura and Lois seem to be having a good time.

White senior doe is a stunner.

BOV white goes to the white senior doe.

Judge Lauralee seems to like the colored senior doe a lot.

English Angora BOB is the colored senior doe.

English Angora was the only Angora breed shown. Though there were 7 French Angoras entered, none showed up. 

For a list of winners, go to:


Monday, June 03, 2024

What Happens to Betty?

What happens? Why is Betty hidden?   Betty has a new experience after having gone to shows for over 40 years.   Got to share the experience but too regretful that no photo was taken:

I got two motorcycle cops flashing their lights to escort my van to get into the fairgrounds at Santa Maria!!!

It was a 200-mle 3-1/2 hour drive from my home to Santa Maria on Saturday, June 1 to attend the Central Coast RBA shows.   I exited freeway and drove toward the fairgrounds.  Unbeknownst to the show people there was a horse riding parade going on and the starting point was next to the fairgrounds.  Every single street leading to the fairgrounds was blocked off at the time I arrived at Santa Maria, and many others encountered the same issue.    I drove around for 30-40 minutes not knowing what's going on, and my GPS kept on sending me to the streets that were blocked off.    I saw a police car with a flashing light and I asked for help.   Two motorcyles cops drove by, they agreed to escort my van to the fairgrounds.   With two motorcyle cops turning on flashing lights leading the way clearing the blockades and the waiting lines of horse trailers, I was able to drive onto the fairgrounds.  Feeling and looking like a VIP but I was too flustered to enjoy this treatment and did not remember to take photos to memoralize this once-in-a-lifetime experience.   

Other exhibitors and judges all had stories to tell about how they eventually got into the showroom but mine was one of the tops. 

I am in the showroom, got rabbits groomed and ready to be shown.   I am HAPPY!


Sunday, June 02, 2024

Princess Ga Ga's Babies

Kitties Bao Bao and Bei Bei ask who these little things are.

They are Princess Ga Ga's babies.

Four tort babies, a basket full!

We are three boys and one girl, can you tell which one is the pretty girl?

If you guess the one on the left, you are right!