Northern California Angora Guild

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Vianna Ready for Show

Vianna has a lot of fun going to the show at San Jose in August. 

Vianna says that she's a little shy but still enjoys the showing.

She did well at the Breast Cancer Benefit Show, winning BOB two out of three shows then advanced to one Reserve In Show.  

She is ready to try again, the Big Valley RA show at Merced is where she will be.


Friday, September 13, 2024

The Pig Barn at Monterey Fairgrounds

We go to Monterey fairgrounds for the summer show every year.   The catalog would direct us to the "Pig Barn".   From the exterior of the barn it is hard to tell what kind of barn it is.  Basically it is a large area of cement with poles and a roof.   There is no corrals or pens or bars.    To make sure this is the "Pig Barn", there are several huge redwood carved pigs around the edges of the barn.  No caption needed, you'll get the idea from the following photos.


Thursday, September 12, 2024

Lavender Center in Xianjiang, China

Xianjiang, China is one of the major lavender growing countries in the world, this is the entrance of the Lavender museum.   

Different lavender specimens are dried and displayed.

Display of the equipment used for lavender processing.

Some more lavender processing equipment. 

There are two seasons in growing lavender in Xianjiant, though France and Japan have one growing season.

The first season starts in May then harvest in mid June; the second season starts in July then harvest is to be done in late September.


Albert went to Xianjiang, China in early June to the end of June, just got to see the prime of the first lavender season.

This photo shows the lavender field with the museum and visitors center in the background

A close up of the blooming lavenders.


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

An Old Brush is a Good Brush.

Found an old brush.  A bit of a strange sape.

Turn it over, now we can see why it shapes the way it does.   It's a bunny head.

It's an old brush for sure, it's made in West Germany, and there is no "West Germany" today.   
 The East Germany and West Germany were officially unified on October 3, 1990, together it's Germany now.  

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Tammy Vaughn’s Giant Angoras Win Multi Best In Show

On Saturday, September 7, Tammy took her beautiful Giant Angoras to a triple show at Sevenson, WA.
Look at the results!    You probably also remember that she is the COD presenter who successfully got the Chestnut Giant Angora accepted in an exemplary pass last year.

Congratulations to Tammy's great success with her Giant Angoras.  


Monday, September 09, 2024

Yellow Roses Brighten the Day


Sunday, September 08, 2024

Kimekomi Kitten and Dragon

Carolyn just completed another Kimekomi doll: a kitten.

The Kimekomi kitten view from the back.

Carolyn also made a Kimekomi dragon.  The label says, "Change Fate Attract Happiness".