Saturday, May 20, 2006
Friday, May 19, 2006
Holly Wins Best Of Breed With Her Junior

Our Canadian member Holly sent in these pictures from a show held in Alberta, Canada. There were two judges, Kimijo who is loved by us, and Jeff A. who we have not had in CA.
Holly's white junior doe from Chu's Terena and HHR Rue made a splash in the shows. Judges loved her and awarded her Best of Breed, despite there were many older English Angora in the show.
Holly is seen here with judges Kimijo and Jeff. A in the two top photos, and with her friends in the third photo.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
"Secret" Air Date

After many weeks of anticipation, Betty finally received an e-mail from Gary, the producer of "I've Got a Secret", that the segment with Emilia and her will be aired on Monday, May 22. The program is on Game Show Network (GSN) at 8:30 pm, 10:30 pm or 11:30 pm depending on the time zone.
The top photo shows Betty with the host and the panel members on the show. The second photo shows the three producers, Melissa, Gary and Julie, with Emilia. In addition to Emilia, Starena and two fawn bunnies also appear in the show.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Wade, A New Judge

The success of an organization depends on new blood. We are happy to see new young judges coming in the wonderful world of rabbits.
On April 30, we met so many judges from out of town, including a brand new judge Wade Burkhalter. This is his second time judging a show, and what a big show! He is 22 years old, has had success in raising Polish, Mini Rex, Tan, ... and various other breeds. He has attended several national conventions and won in these breeds.
We wish him a long and successful career raising and judging rabbits.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Monday, May 15, 2006
Mike A., Member of the ARBA Standard Committee

Mike A. is a top ARBA judge from Iowa. He is also a member of the ARBA Standard Committee, one of the most important committees. It is a very prestigious appointment. Mike is one of the judges for the breed Nationals at Monterey on April 29. On April 30, he judged hundreds of Mini Rex.
Mike, Cathy S. and Roger H. are going to Japan to judge their June show. All three are members of the ARBA Standard Committee. We have to say that the Japanese breeders have good taste. We wish all three have a safe trip and have a good time there.