Northern California Angora Guild

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Nice Prizes at Vallejo

The SVRC gives out these little plates for BOB and BOSB.  Very cute.   The very right side bunny looks like an Angora.

The SVRC club posted this photo on Facebook that these would be the Best In Show and Reserve In Show prizes.  We all wanted these!

Casey's Satin Angora doe Prim Rose won grooming mat first, she was awarded  the Reserve In Show in show A. 

Betty's English Angora doe Aurelia got lucky and received the Best In Show in show B, she won the chair!

Happy and proud moms: Casey with her Satin Angora and Betty with her English Angora.

This post completes the reports and photos of the Sacramento Valley Rabbit Club open shows on January 4, 2025.


Friday, January 24, 2025

CJ's Nephew Chase Visits at Vallejo

Sometimes I get request to have a photo taken with me and my rabbit by someone who I did not know.  At Vallejo a mom came over and asked whether I could do that with her son.   Sure.

The young man is very good looking, and my English Angora boy is also very good looking.  This old lady is very happy to get photos taken with two handsome guys.

Unexpectedly, I got a text a couple days later:

 Hi Betty this is Ceajay. 

Thank you so much for letting my nephew Chase take a picture with you. He’s always wanted a picture with the “World Famous Betty Chu!”

CJ has excellent New Zealands, his rabbits get the top honors regularly.  I'm honored to be able to call him a friend.   See one of his big wins:

Northern California Angora Guild: Open Top Winners at Merced



Thursday, January 23, 2025

Grooming, Grooming and Grooming at Vallejo

When we are at show, one of the common scene is grooming, grooming and grooming with a blower.  We cannot take photos of ourselves, and fellow Angora exhibitors are too busy grooming their own rabbits.   I am lucky to have Carolyn Sawai coming to visit.  She is patient and has the best photograph-taking skills to record my grooming of Aurelia.  Aurelia was shown three times in breed judging and three times in Best In Show judging, she was blown and groomed a lot.   Thank you Carolyn for these wonderful photos.  


Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Lucky Vincent Gets Chosen at Vallejo

Carolyn Sawai comes to visit at Vallejo.   We have not see Carolyn visiting a show for a whole year.  Last visit was also at Vallejo in January 2024.   Here is Betty and Carolyn with Aurelia.

In addition to visiting friends and shows, Carolyn also has a mission: picking a pet to join her home.

Whoever gets chosen is the lucky one.   Carolyn has her bun inside her house with climate control and comfy condo. 

The two finalists are Vincent and his littermate brother Victor.

Personality is the number one criteria.  Both boys are friendly and loving, who gets to be the lucky bun?

White buck Vincent is lucky boy!   Though he is now cut down, he was once a gorgeous show bun. Rest assured that Carolyn will make him look handsome again. 


Here is a photo of what Vincent looked like when in coat.

Victor and Vincent when they were in shows.   They do look very different when cut down.   

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Pink Pictures from Stephanie at Vallejo

Stephanie Berry was taking pictures after the show B open Best In Show judging. When showing the pictures to Betty and others, somehow the background all turned pink on her phone.   We were all intrigued how she did it, Stephanie had no idea.   So here are some of these fun photos.   For those who are more techique inclined, tell us how these photos get done please!

Kathi, Louis and Betty with Aurelia.

Happy Kathi, Louis and Betty.

Lots of smiles in pink!


Stephanie also took pictures of Carolyn Sawai and Betty, the picture also turned pink.

Wow, how did it happen?  

Pink Carolyn, pink Betty and pink background.   The only non-pink is Vincent who is cut down.  The lucky bun is going home with Carolyn to be a happy pampered indoor pet.

Monday, January 20, 2025

NCAG Specialty Best In Show Judging at Vallejo

There are three Angoras going for the title of specialty Best In Show.  The English Angora BOB the colored senior doe is being considered.

Being examined is the French Angora BOB the white senior doe.

The Satin Angora BOB white senior doe is examined.

The specialty Best In Show goes to Betty's English Angora.

Judges Courtney and Griffin both had judged Angora specialty show.  Courtney at Vallejo and Griffin at Anderson.   Both judges picked thd same doe Chu's Aurelia as the specialty Best In Show.  A group photo is in good order.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

NCAG Specialty Show Judging at Vallejo

NCAG holds a specilty show in conjunction with the SVRC open shows.

The specialty show judge is Courtney Collins.   Judge Griffin Harrah helps to run and clerk for the show.

Betty is the show secretary, puts the paper work on the judging table.

English Angoras on the judging table.

Judge Courtney examines an English Angora colored senior buck.

Another English Angora colored senior buck on the table.

The English Angora colored senior buck class has several full coated contenders.

None of the bucks can compare to the winner of the colored senior doe class that is filling the judging coop to the fullest.

The English Angora BOB is the colored senior doe.

French Angoras are on the table.

There are three French Angora white senior does for judge Courtney to pick from.

And there are several colored French Angoras too.

The BOB French Angora is a white senior doe.

Judge Courtney is examining the Satin Angora colored juniors.

The Satin Angora white seniors are so much more impressive than the juniors, the Satin Angora BOB goes to the white senior doe.