Northern California Angora Guild

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Fall at Betty’s Place

Fall colors and drop leaves happen everywhere, it's no exception at Betty's place.  

A branch with bright red leaves. 

A close up of this branch, a bit out of place but it is eye catching.

The backyard also has some colorful plants.

These little beans are not red enough right now, just wait for a month or more, they will be red enough for Christmas decorations.

A view of the backyard. 

What are the fruits?  Orange colored, oranges? 

These are Fuyu persimmons!

Persimmons are ripe and tasty when the leaves are dropped.   Waiting, waiting, waiting for the leaves to drop!

These pretty color persimmons are neither Fuyu nor Hachiya, they are the volunteer lovechild of our Fuyu and Hachiya trees.  They are more of Fuyu in appearance but taste similar to Hachiya. 

When it's fall, we cannot ignore the winter melons in the veggie garden.   They are huge, they are great for making soap during the cold days.   


Friday, November 10, 2023

Jasabeau in the Wind

Jasabau's wool looks explosive.

Jasabeau looks like a ball.

It's windy today.

A little wind is good, but please don't blow too hard.


Thursday, November 09, 2023

Fallyn's Journey into a Pampered life

Kitty sisters?  Carolyn and Fallyn.

Fallyn knows how to steal Earl and Carolyn's hearts.

Magical eyes.

Upside down to cast spells.

One look and the hearts melted.  

Fallyn loves her human.

From a homeless stray to a pampered royalty, Fallyn maps out her own destination.


Wednesday, November 08, 2023

Introducing Camellia

What a pretty girl, who are you?

Kitty Bao Bao asks what's the pretty girl's name?   Camellia, a pretty white flower.

Kitty Bao Bao tells Camellia that she is sitting on his side of the couch.   Camellia is pretty but Bao Bao wants his place back.

Camellia prefers to be in the fresh air, bye Bao Bao.


Tuesday, November 07, 2023

Peppers Peppers Casey's Hot Peppers

Hot peppers, how many varieties?

More hot peppers!

Casey likes to grow all kinds of hot peppers.

Casey picking her hot peppers.

Casey's son Cole shares his mom's enthusiasm for hot peppers.

Roasted peppers.

Pepper pastes.

Cole helps to process the peppers.

Hot pepper jam?

Ready to be stored.

Pepper supply enough to last more than a year!


Monday, November 06, 2023

Gordon A Ball of Fluff?

Gordon here, sitting nice and pretty.

Aren't English Angora are described to be a "ball of fluff"?   Am I ball enough?  Am I fluff enough?

When the climate is dry, the English Angora wool stand up!

With a bit of light wind, a white English Angora sure looks like a cotton ball.

Maybe that's why it's called a "ball of fluff". 


Sunday, November 05, 2023

Fall Colors at Carol’s Yard

We are familiar with Carol's beautifully landscaped yard in the summer.   The fall color has come to her yard with red and orange and yellow in addition to the regular green.   The temperature is perfect, the yard is gorgeous, hint, hint, ... maybe there should be a fall/winter show party?