Northern California Angora Guild

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Show A Angora Judging at Monterey

Jeremy Collins is the show A judge for Angora.   He is evaluating a French Angora white senior doe.   Bri is writing.   

After French Angora, judge Jeremy moves to white English Angora.

Judge Jeremy comment on a white buck.   At the next table is the ARBA president Josh Humphries working on his breed judging.

Two English Angora older boys are on the table.

Next to judge Jeremy's table is Melissa Magee.   

Judge Jeremy evaluating an English Angora colored junior buck.

A young colored junior buck.

All three colored junior bucks on the table.

And this is the first place colored junior buck.

The colored senior doe is a bit young but still mature enough to win over the colored junior bucks to be the BOV.

The BOB English Angora goes to the white senior doe.

For a list of winners, go to:

NCAG Show Results: July 14, 2024 Angora Showing at Monterey (


Friday, July 19, 2024

Grooming for Show at Monterey

It is common for the wool exhibitors to be frantically grooming as the show starts.  It's no exception for Carol and Betty.   Carol getting her American Fuzzy Lop ready and Betty working on her English Angora.

Betty using a comb to put finishing touch on her English Angora.

How does she look?

Bri working on her French Angora's tummy.

Carol blowing her American Fuzzy Lop.  


Almost done!

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Griffin and Masako Judging in Thailand

We'll take a day off the Monterey show and enjoy some photos from Thailand.

Griffin is well-known in our area for his lightning speed secretary work, now he is an up and coming judge, received his judge's license in the beginning of 2024, and he already gotten invitation to judge in Thailand.   Judging with him is Masako received her judge's license in 2019, with one of the assist done at our annual summer show/potluck in Portola Valley, see:
Northern California Angora Guild (

It's very kind of Griffin to share many photos with our blog.   Though I do not have information on who's who in the photos, I am sure that our readers will enjoy seeing different breeds of rabbits in Thailand.   The rabbit clubs in Thailand are chartered and shows sanctioned by the ARBA.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Open Top Winners at Monterey

California Rabbit and Cavy Shows put on triple all breed shows on Sunday July 14, 2024 at Monterey, CA. 

Joe Kim flew down from Oregon to show his Mini Rex.  It sure is a worthwhile trip for him, his Mini Rex broken junior doe receives the Best In Show in show A from judge Jeremy Collins.  

Reserve In Show goes to the Florida White shown by Paul Fickas who drove from Santa Maria area. 

Show B Best In Show judge is Scott Rodriguez who awards the Best In Show to Chris Zemny's Holland Lop solid junior buck.  Reserve In Show goes to Joe Kim's Mini Rex broken senior doe.

ARBA president Josh Humphries judged Best In Show in show C, the Best In Show goes to Joe Kim's Mini Rex broken junior doe and Reserve In Show is Chris Zemny's Holland Lop solid junior buck.


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The Making of a Show at Monterey

We go to shows and would see tables, chairs, judging coops, loud speakers, ... all set up.  We'd park and unload our rabbits and we have fun time.    Tables, chairs, coops, ... don't set themselves up, there are volunteers doing the hard work.  Here are some photos of the CRCS show from setting up to getting the show going at Monterey on Sunday, July 14, 2024.

Before 6:30, Randy parks his truck and trailer next to the barn to unload the show equipment.

The metel sawhorses are put into locations where the judging tables will be.   Lily who is the superintendent carrying a big piece of equipment....

Randy, Lily and Lauralee carrying the table tops to be put on the metal sawhorses.

Exhibitors starting to come in, some join the volunteer force to put up the judging coops.

Around 7:30, the set up is close to completion and exhibitors are taking up spaces to set up their rabbits and cavies.

Judging starts promptly at 8:30 am. 

The cavy corner.

Nichole's cavy booth.

KW cage on display.

Happy exhibitors enjoying the show.

The weather in Monterey is always mild, after a 2-week heatwave of triple digit temperature in most areas, it is a treat to be visiting Monterey that has an amazing ocean breeze with temperature in the 60s.