Northern California Angora Guild

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Rain Pouring Down at Merced

BOB rabbits are getting ready to be judged in the show B Best In Show.  Have you ever seen an umbrella on top of a coop?   Here it is, why?

It's hard to believe but the rain is pouring down in May!  California does not have rain in May, we are in the desert climate, it's lucky to have rain to March or April, we are supposed to be dry in May.

The ground is flooded, exhibitors are moving their stuff around to get out of the rain and wet grounds.

Water is coming in....

The judging tables are moved from place to place so that the two Best In Show judging can be done.
It's very unusual to experience such situation in May.

This is the main source of the flooding, water just gushing in.


Friday, May 17, 2024

Show A Best In Show Judging at Merced

Show A Best In Show starts in the afternoon.  If you notice, there is a cover on the far end of some of the judging coops.   Why? Rain drizzling down though it was not too severe.

Show A Best In Show judge is Cathy Szychulda.

Exhibitors are anxiously waiting to see which rabbits are the finalists.

A clear view of the BOB rabbits on the Best In Show table.

BOB American Fuzzy Lop being examined.

BOB French Lop.

BOB English Angora.


Judge Cathy's pick of Best In Show is Jennifer Milburn's Florida.

Lillian Dragden's Mini Rex gets the Reserve In Show.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Show C English Angora Judging at Merced

English Angoras on the table waiting for judge Joe to start.

Judge Joe starts with the English Angora white senior buck class. 

Another white senior buck being examined.

The white junior buck catches judge Joe's eyes and the junior goes over the senior buck.

The white senior doe is always more impressive than the bucks.

The white senior doe is the BOV and the junior buck BOSV.

Judge Joe examines one of the three colored senior does.

That's called an Angora coat!

Great density.

The senior doe is awarded the BOB, she goes on to win Reserve In Show in show C.

For a list of winners, go to:

NCAG Show Results: May 4, 2024 Angora Showing at Merced (


Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Show C Satin Angora Judging at Merced

Show C judge for Angoras is Joe Lugo, our ARBA district 2 director.

Kathy always help to do the clerking when Joe judges.  Casey gets the chance to just watch.

Judge Joe handles a Satin Angora white senior doe.

Here is another Satin Angora white senior doe.
The Satin Angora BOB goes to the colored senior doe.

For a  list of winners, go to:

NCAG Show Results: May 4, 2024 Angora Showing at Merced (


Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Show B English Angora Judging at Merced

On the table is an English Angora colored senior buck.

Judge Cathy is placing the 3 English Angora colored senior does.

Judge Cathy placing the first and second place colored senior doe.

The BOV/BOB English Angora is the colored senior doe on the left.


Monday, May 13, 2024

WCC Top Winners at Reno

The annual West Coast Classic has been held this past weekend at Reno on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, May 10-12, 2024.     Betty and Casey did not go to the show,  photos and information posted today are supplied by Tammy Vaughn.   Thank you very much, Tammy, you are the best!

There are 3 open all breed shows.  Show A was held on Saturday, May 11; the Best In Show goes to the French Angora shown by Deidre McKimmie.  Judges are Jeremy Collins and Zach Newman.

The Reserve In Show in show A is the Californian shown by Stephany Brundage and Justin Amador.

Show B was held on Sunday, May 12. The Best In Show goes to the English Angora shown by Andrea Evans.  Standing for Andrea is Kathy Thomas, Andrea left the showroom before the Best In Show started.  Judges are Scott Rodriguez and Ethan Weaver.

Show B Reserve In Show is a Mini Rex shown by Stephanie Hamlin but she is not at the showroom, standing in for her is Irene Peaks. 

Show C was also held on Sunday, May 12.  Best In Show goes to a Holland Lop owned by Kim and Lataya Prato.  Judges are Josh Humphries and Beh Aik Kang.

Reserve In Show in show C is Linda Hibbert's American Fuzzy Lop.  

On Friday night BAARG sponsored an Angora specialty show, the BISS winner is a French Angora shown by Carolyn Silvas.   Judge is Wendy Lange.

On Saturday, BAARG had another Angora specialty show.  The winner of BISS is an English Angora shown by Andrea Evans.   Judge is Scott Rodriguez.

Linda Hibbert's American Fuzzy Lop won the BISS at the War of Wools specialty show.

At the end of the day on Sunday, all the Best In Show rabbits from open shows, youth shows, specialty shows compete for the title of "Best of the Best",  the winner is the English Angora shown by Andrea Evans.  

NCAG wishes to once again thank Tammy Vaughn for taking all these photos and sharing with us.  We are all very proud of how the Angoras dominated the show.   Go Angora, Go Wool!!!


Sunday, May 12, 2024

Red Roses for the Mothers Day 2024

Red roses for all the hardworking mothers on the Mother's Day 2024.