Northern California Angora Guild

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Show B Angora Judging at Stockton

The cute little English Angora white junior bucks debut their show careers.   

Show B judge Misty checks on the little cuties.

Judge Misty comments, Casey records.

White English Angora judging viewed from the other side of the table.

White senior doe goes over the white junior buck, no surprise.  Pattee watches.

The next English Angora class is the colored senior buck.  Pattee, Carolyn and Carolyn watch the judging.

Judge Misty working on the colored senior buck class.

Pattee and hubby Curtis watching judging on the other side of the table, Betty at the end of table taking pictures.

Misty blows into the coat of an English Angora colored senior buck.

On the table is the English Angora colored senior doe.

Judge Misty comments on the colored senior doe, Pattee watches.

It's the lone Giant Angora, judge Misty is intrigued as she rarely see them.

Pattee and hubby Curtis are paying attention, they are the papa and mama to this Giant Angora.

Judge Misty is judging the Satin Angora, Casey clerks.

Judge Misty comments on the French Angora white junior buck.

The French Angora BOB winner is the blue senior doe.

For a complete list of winners, go to:

Friday, November 29, 2019

Show A Angora Judging at Stockton

Show A starts with the English Angora.   On judge Melissa's table is a white junior buck, Casey clerking.

Judge Melissa is enchanted by the little English Angora white buck.

Judge Melissa has a judge's assist Lindsey.

On the table are two English Angora colored senior bucks.

Judge Melissa and her assist Lindsey discuss the pros and cons of these two English Angora bucks.

Judge's assist Lindsey prechecks the English Angora colored senior doe.

Judge Melissa checks the colored senior doe.

Two of them discussed the pros and cons of the colored senior doe.

Judge Melissa and Lindsey move to the Satin Angora.

Lindsey checks on the Satin Angora white doe.

Judge Melissa works on the Satin Angora white doe.

Two of them works on the French Angora colored senior bucks.

For a complete list of winners, go to:

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving 2019

English Angora says Happy Thanksgiving.

American Fuzzy Lop joins in the fun of Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Advance Kimekomi doll

Carolyn just completed an advanced Kimekomi Doll, she says, “He is Kaoru-no-Kimi, a character of royalty from the Tale of Gengi, a classic work of literature written in the early years of the 11th century. He is also a doll from the senior level course series of dolls I am working on.”

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Open Top Winners at Stockton

California Rabbit and Cavy Shows hold double all breed shows at Stockton CA on Saturday, November 23, 2019.

In show A, Judge Melinda awards the Best In Show to Roger's Mini Satin.

Betty's English Angora gets the Reserve In Show honor from judge Melinda in show A.

In show B, judge Uno picks the same Mini Satin as the Best In Show and New Zealand as the Reserve In Show.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Fawndella Wins All Breed Reserve In Show at Stockton

At the CRCS show A at Stockton, judge Melinda awards the Reserve In Show to Betty's English Angora Chu's Fawndella.


Where is Betty?  Fawndella is bigger than mama Betty!

Mama Betty is working hard to get Fawndella ready for the show table.

Fawndella is enjoying her time in the sun.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Where is Carol?

Stockton has a show date, we did not see Carol, where is she?   From this photo, we can see that she is in the happiest place on earth: Disney World.      From left to right are: Carol's hubby Jim, son Adam, grandson Adriel, Micky, daughter-in-law Heather and granddaughter Adara.

Adara wants to grow up to be a princess.   

Adreil is dressed as a knight and Adara a princess.   Cuteness overload.