Allen Starts His Quest for Judge's License

Allen has been the top registrar in the nation for three years running, it's about time for him to work for his judge's license.
In Watsonville in mid July, Allen said, "I took the written test yesterday!"
He passed with flying color and on July 28, he started working on the first of the eight shows required for his judge's license.
Allen is smiling and checking on rabbits at the judging table in the two top photos. Those who were in the show would tell you that Allen was so dead serious that we would walk by and tease him, "Allen, breathe!" or "Allen, Smile!"
At least Allen has a nice smile for the pictures.
The third picture shows him training the new person for the KW booth in Watsonville in mid July. This will not be a common sight in the future as he will be working for his license and then judging in shows.
In Watsonville in mid July, Allen said, "I took the written test yesterday!"
He passed with flying color and on July 28, he started working on the first of the eight shows required for his judge's license.
Allen is smiling and checking on rabbits at the judging table in the two top photos. Those who were in the show would tell you that Allen was so dead serious that we would walk by and tease him, "Allen, breathe!" or "Allen, Smile!"
At least Allen has a nice smile for the pictures.
The third picture shows him training the new person for the KW booth in Watsonville in mid July. This will not be a common sight in the future as he will be working for his license and then judging in shows.