Northern California Angora Guild

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Betty's Annual Barn Cleaning - Day 3 and Day 4

The barn is cleaned, the ground dried.   Now the cleaned condos are being moved back to the barn. It is a very physically demand task to move these three stack metal cages in and out of the barn.  Honestly it is getting harder and harder over the years.

View from the other side of the barn.   

The condos with feeders and water bottles are to be occupied by my Engish Angora residents.  The ones without feeder or waterbottle are the spares.   I usually maintain quite a few spare units to give myself the peace of mind.

All rabbits are back to their condos, shades installed, early morning sun shinning on the clean barn, it's a wonderful feeling.

Buns are happy that they are no longer staying in these carriers.   I am happy that the annual big barn cleaning is done, what I have left is to clean these carriers and put them away for shows and the big cleaning next year.   Comparing to the big barn cleaning, cleaning these carriers are just a piece of cake!


Friday, May 24, 2024

Betty's Annual Barn Cleaning - Day 1 and Day 2

Twenty some buns are in their carriers.   This is not something that they'll enjoy.  It's no fun to be staying in the garage.

In order to thoroughly clean the barn, it is necessary to take everyone and everything out of the barn.  

No matter how often the condos are regularly cleaned everyday everyweek, there are still wool and poops stuck on the wires.

In order to thoroughly rid of the wool and poops on the wire, it's necessarly to flame and power wash each and every cage.

In addition to the wool and poops, spiders love to join the party to add decorations to the barn.  My lovely hubby is working tirelessly to power wash every nooks and crannies.

The strong power washer makes the cleaning much more efficient.

The stain glass was my English Angora's first Best In Show in 1986, see:
Northern California Angora Guild: A Rabbit Stained Glass Art ( 
The big thing on the upper right is the swamp cooler, a lifesaver durng the summer.  To understand how it works, go to:
Northern California Angora Guild: Swamp Cooler (

The sun coming out from the east, the barn is free of wool, poops and spider webs.

If you wonder why there is an area that is not covered by concrete, the reason is that there used to be a big tree at that location.   Over 40 years ago my original barn was built around the tree to co-exist with it.   Over the next 20 years, the tree became so big and so top heavy that it's hazardous to the rabbits.  In 2006 the tree was removed by professional tree cutter and then my lovely hubby reconstructed the barn.   You can see the tree cutting and the barn reconstruction at:

Northern California Angora Guild (

It took 2 months to complete the project, see the blogpost:

Northern California Angora Guild: Betty's Barn Reconstruction - Done (


Thursday, May 23, 2024

Wool/Skein/Garment Contest at WCC

These nice looking mugs are prizes for a different kind of contest than showing rabbits.  

Angora rabbits are not only great for showing, their wool can be made into gorgeous items.  Here are some of the things displayed at the WCC in Reno.

There are wearables, skeins of yarns, batts of wool, ... with comments and prizes next to them.
The contest is sponsored by Blown Away Angora Rabbit Guild managed by Tammy Vaughn.

Guess who is the judge?  Our Carol Green.

This is a beautiful hat with a complicated pattern.

This large wearable is the Best In Show winner.

Judge Carol Green and the maker of the Best In Show garment Linda Hibbert.  Linda has been spinning for less than a year.  Interestingly enough that both Carol and Linda are top American Fuzzy Lop breeders.  Carol has won the Best of Best at WCC twice and Linda has won the Best In Show at an ARBA convention, each with an American Fuzzy Lop.   Both are fiber artists, and Angoras certainly produce more wool for their fiber adventures. Carol raises the French Angora, she is the reigning first place winner of the French Angora national sweepstakes; Linda raises the Giant Angora and English Angora. 

Tammy has posted a video on YouTube that features more items, please visit:


Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Siblings Lining Up

We are very cute English Angora youngsters. 

Sissy, you are squeezing me.  No, Bro, you are pushing us. 

Something interesting on the left side, look!

Look at the right, it’s more interesting!

The end.  


Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Wisteria Blooming in the Spring

With all the rain in the winter and spring and the nice temperatures, Wisteria at Betty's backyard are blooming gloriously.
Sharing some photos taken on different days and under different weather conditions.


Monday, May 20, 2024

Show C Best In Show Judging at Merced

Show C Best In Show judge is Doug King.

The ground is getting wetter and wetter.

Little towels are covering the English Angora coop.

Judge Doug examines the BOB English Angora.   

The temperature is dropping like flies, hoodies are on.

Judge Doug awards the Best In Show to the Mini Satin shown by Bonnie and Megan Achin.

Reserve In Show goes to Betty's English Angora that are a bit damp due all the drizzles in the show barn.

This is the last post about the Big Valley RA show on May 4, 2024.  We thank the show committee especially Ray and Dolores for their hard work.


Sunday, May 19, 2024

Show B Best In Show Judging at Merced

Show B Best In Show starts during the heavy rain outside and drizzles inside.

Show B Best In Show judge is Lauralee Erbe.

Angora wool suffers in the wetness.   What can one do when the nature does not cooperate?   At least the umbrella helps a little bit.

Best In Show goes to Kelsey's Havana.

Reserve In Show is the Mini Rex shown by Lillian.