Northern California Angora Guild

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Show C Satin Angora Judging at San Jose

Casey, Cole and Isaura put the Satin Angora on the table to follow the English Angora.

Casey writes for judge Ted.

Isaura and Cole watch judge Ted placing the Satin Angora.

Judge Ted checks the underside of a Satin Angora.

The BOB Satin Angora goes to the white senior doe.

For a list of winners, go to:

NCAG Show Results: August 10, 2024 Angora Showing at San Jose (


Friday, August 23, 2024

Show C English Angora Judging at San Jose

While the judges' lunch is getting toward the end, English Angoras are already on the carts waiting to get on the table.  

We don't like to keep the judges waiting.

Show C judge for Angoras is Ted Deloyola of Oregon.

Judge Ted works on the English Angora white variety.

Casey clerks for judge Ted.

Judge Ted placing the white senior buck class.

Judge Ted picked the colored senior buck class and the BOB English Angora.

The colored senior doe is the BOSV colored.

The white senior doe is the BOV white and the BOSB English Angora.


Thursday, August 22, 2024

Lunch Time Fun at San Jose

Us wool people know how to have fun, Stephanie, Carolyn, Bri, Betty having a good time during the lunch break.

Carolyn Silvas and Bei are besties.

Casey, Betty, Isaura and Cole.   Casey brought Cole to visit Betty in 1993 when Cole was 5 years old.  Now Cole's daughter Isaura is 11 years old!   How time flies.    Casey and Betty besties forever. 

Daddy Cole and daughter Isaura; Casey's extensions.

Stephanie shows American Fuzzy Lop, not exactly Angora but a wool breed.  Stephanie used to have over 100 Satin Angoras in the old days, but now retired from Angoras.

Stephanie says that she retires from Angoras but not retired from the Angora people.

American Fuzzy Lops have wool but a lot less maintenance.


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Show B French Angora Judging at San Jose

While judge Uno is working on the Satin Angora, Bri puts the French Angora on the table for the next breed judging.

Judge Jordan Miner pops up to say Hi.

Judge Uno examines a French Angora colored senior buck.

Judge Uno working on the colored French Angora does.  

The one on the right side of the table is a broken; broken are accepted in the Satin Angora and the French Angora breeds but not in the English and the Giant Angora breeds.  Broken is judged with the colored variety.

Bri records judge Uno's comments.

BOB French Angora goes to Bri's colored senior buck.

For a list of winners, go to:

NCAG Show Results: August 10, 2024 Angora Showing at San Jose (


Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Show B Satin Angora Judging at San Jose


Judge Uno examines the two Satin Angoras on the table.

Carefully examining the white Satin Angora wool.

Judge Uno is trying to decide whether the BOB should go to the white or colored senior doe.

The decision is made, the BOB Satin Angora is Casey's colored senior doe.

Three generations of happy Angora breeders, Cole, Isaura and Casey.

For a list of winners, go to:

NCAG Show Results: August 10, 2024 Angora Showing at San Jose (

Monday, August 19, 2024

Show B English Angora Judging at San Jose

Show B judge for Angoras is Uno Kivi.  Casey helps to wite, judge Uno is working on the white variety.

There are 6 colored senior bucks.

Judge Uno examines a young colored buck.

Judge Uno comments on the colored senior buck.

Deciding the winner of the colored senior buck class.

The two finalists for the first place colored senior buck.

The BOV and BOB goes to the colored senior doe.

For a list of winners, go to:

NCAG Show Results: August 10, 2024 Angora Showing at San Jose (


Sunday, August 18, 2024

Show A Satin Angora Judging at San Jose

Casey's son Cole and granddaughter Isaura put the Satin Angora on the table, Casey sorts out the paper work, waiting for judge Alysia to start.

Casey writes for judge Alysia, Cole and Isaura watch with interest as they are also exhibitors.

Judge Alysia explains her comments.

Cole and Isaura grew up with rabbits.  

White Satin Angora on the table.

Judge Alysia has pretty long hair, as pretty as the Angora rabbits.

The black doe is the BOV, the BOB goes to the white senior doe.

For a list of winners, go to:

NCAG Show Results: August 10, 2024 Angora Showing at San Jose (