The Colored Angora Goat National Show was held during the June 11-12 weekend at Estes Park, CO.
Allen, Kathi and Louis drove a trailer full of Angora goats to attend the Colored Angora Goat National Show at Estes Park, CO. The following photos were taken by Kathi and posted in Allen's Facebook.
The show barn is spacious and with climate control.
Randy and Allen's Eureka! Mohair Farm Banner in the show barn. |
It's a huge show barn for the Angora goat show. |
Randy and Allen's goats are situated.
Before the colored goat national, the Eureka! white Angora goat won the Champion white goat.
The colored Angora goat national has started, this is the doe yearling class. The top placing is at the right and goes down to the left. Two of the Eureka! does are the first and second places. |
The first place yearling doe is the champion doe in the show.
Eureka! big boy The Seer won the champion buck. This goat has the identification number of 666, it is the same as Randy's Rabbit judge's license number.
The champion buck and champion doe are both Eureka! goats, the buck won over the doe to win the Best In Show. If we compare to rabbit shows, it's equivalent to winning both Best In Show and Reserve In Show. |
The doe also won the Best Fleece award. |