Northern California Angora Guild

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Alameda County Fair Craft Exhibits, Part I

Casey and granddaughter Isaura are dressed up to go out, where to?  Casey is judging youth rabbit and cavy showmanship with Leslie Tucker, Isaura is on summer visit from Georgia, going to the fair to enjoy some fun activities with grandma.    We thank Casey for the photos: today part 1 shows the quilts in competition and display.  More to come.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Handsome Brothers Victor and Vincent

Remember us? We were bunnies in the basket during the spring.

Look at us now.

Hi, Bro, long time no see now that we each has an individual condo.

How have you been?

I miss you, do you miss me?

We are growing up, we can't be together all the time now.

I will always love you.

The end.


Thursday, June 27, 2024

Carol's Pretty Little French Angora Doe

This year seems to be the year of abundant bucks.   Most of the breeders report a higher percentage of bucks than does in the litter.   Carol's experience is no exception, two bucks and one doe. 

Needless to say, this is Carol's favorite.  A chestnut doe!  Carol has been hoping for a chestnut for a while and now a chestnut doe that looks like her mother Wendy.
Northern California Angora Guild: Wendy Joins the Carol's French Angora Family (

Little girl is tiny but mighty.

We look forward to her debut in shows in the near future.


Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Carol's Two Handsome Baby Bucks

Carol has a new French Angora litter that looks very promising.  Two bucks and one doe.

The two boys are chocolate agouti, looks like their daddy Dasher:
 Northern California Angora Guild: Dasher Looking for Attention (
Both have great body type, wool and color.

It's a hot day and being very relaxed, their ears are tipped but it's not something to worry about.

Without brother, this buck is a bit nervous and the ears are straight.

Little brother is also straighten up when he is by himself.


Tuesday, June 25, 2024

White Camellia is Not a Flower!

We saw Carolyn's pink camellia flowers yesterday, beautiful.    Betty got a camellia too!   It's the English Angora white doe Camellia. 

Betty's Camellia likes to be shown off, see how pretty she is.

White doe Camellia has a pretty face, great density and extreme long wool.

Camellia would like to be able to go to shows again.

Do you like to see her again?


Monday, June 24, 2024

Carolyn’s Pink Flower Photos

Carolyn cannot resist taking photos of beautiful flowers.

During the spring, these cherry blossoms are so glorious.

The pink camellia is so inviting.

These pink azalea is equally beautiful.


Sunday, June 23, 2024

Bri Shares Photos of Her First French Angora Litter

Bri has been showing French Angora for over a year now, doing quite well.   She has been showing the stock that she bought but not her own breedings.   Now that her first litter is finally grown, we'll be seeing them in shows soon.   This is the only doe in the litter, a white beauty.

This is a stunning fawn buck

And then this is a chocolate buck.

Bri shows her love for the three babies. 
The sire of the litter is Betty's buck Samuelson and the dam is Carol's doe Iris.