Northern California Angora Guild

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Show A French Angora Judging at San Jose

There are 5 French Angoras in the breed, one white buck, two colored bucks and two colored does.

Bri clerks for judge Alysia.  The white junior buck is the BOV since he is the only white in the breed.

Here are the remaining 4 colored French Angora.  The two on the left are bucks.

The BOB goes to Carolyn's colored senior doe.

Bri's colored senior buck is the BOSB.

Bri helps Carolyn to take the other colored doe off the table.

For a complete list of winners, go to:


Friday, August 16, 2024

Show A English Angora Judging at San Jose

English Angoras go on judge Alysia Call's table in the morning.

There are 13 English Angora in the coops.

Casey clerks for judge Alysia.

Judge Alysia comments on a white senior buck.

Here is the winner of the white senior buck class and the received the BOSV at the end of the judging.

The BOV white goes to the white senior doe.

While the white BOV and BOSV waiting in the coops, judge Alysia comments on a colored senior buck.

These are the three top placing of the colored senior bucks out of a class of 6.

The English Angora colored senior doe is being carefully taken out of the coop.  

Feels the body and the wool.

Judge Alysia comments on the colored senior doe, awards her BOV and BOB.  She later advances to the Reserve In Show in show A.

For a complete list of winners, go to:

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Open Top Winners at San Jose

The breast cancer benefit show is sponsored by California Rabbit and Cavy Shows, Inc. on Saturday, August 10, 2024 at Santa Clara County Fairgrounds in San Jose, CA.

Show A Best In Show judge is Ilaena Mellentine of Oregon, Best In Show goes to the Holland Lop shown by Chris Zemny and Reserve In Show goes to the English Angora shown by Betty Chu.

Show B Best In Show judge is Alysia Call of CA.  Best In Show is the English Spot shown by Arian Dworzecki, Reserve In Show is the Mini Rex shown by Lois Smith.

Show C Best In Show judge is Ted Deloyola of Oregon who awards the Best In Show to the French Angora shown by Bri Reis.

Judge Ted Deloyola in show C awards the Reserve In Show to Arian Dworzecki's English Spot.


Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Vianna Wins Reserve In Show at San Jose

Vianna had a dream to follow her parents' steps to go to shows.  She got her wish on Saturday at the breast cancer benefit show at San Jose.

In show A, the first show Vianna ever attended, she was awarded Reserve In Show by judge Ilaena Mellentine.

Mama Betty is very proud of Vianna who is only 6 months old, barely a senior.  Hope for many more winnings to come.


Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Bri Wins Her First Ever Best In Show with French Angora at San Jose

At the breast cancer benefit show C, Bri is pleasantly surprised by judge Ted Deloyola awarding her French Angora the Best In Show.

Bri has been showing French Angora for less than 2 years, this is the first ever Best In Show.   Happy tears and excited smiles presented at the same time.   Hope to see her repeat the win again and agin in the future.


Monday, August 12, 2024

Showroom Scenes at the Benefit Show at San Jose

The Fiesta Hall at San Jose is nice and clean, about 10,000 square feet.

The benefit show is well attended, we see happy exhibitors. 

Lots of Angoras in the showroom.   

Showing beloved rabbits and cavies, seeing great friends and helping breast cancer awareness, what a great event.

Who won the big prize? Which breeds are hot?   Stay tuned, we'll see ....  


Sunday, August 11, 2024

Breast Cancer Awareness Benefit Show at San Jose

CRCS sponsors a benefit show for breast cancer awareness/research on Saturday, August 10, 2024 at San Jose, CA.  Leading by Randy Shumaker and Ted Deloyola, 12 + judges donate their services to benefit the Susan G Komen Foundation.   In this photo, the judges from left to right are: Lauralee Erbe, Ted Deloyola, Uno Kivi, Ilaena Mellentine, Cathy Szychulda, Randy Shumaker, Juliet Hamak, Jordan Minor, Chris Zemny and Alysia Call.   Not in the photo but also donated services are cavy judges Sara Buchanan and Nicole Rocha.   Nichole Rocha designed and made all the judges aprons and donated prizes for Best In Show and Reserve In Show.  

Ted announces the starting of the show thanking all those donated and all the exhibitors coming to the show,  with Randy and Cathy looking on.  On the table are the pink aprons.

Randy hands out the pink aprons.

Alysia just picked up hers while Chris has already put on her apron.

Each exhibitor gets a pink band, those winning BOB and BOS have the choice of more pink bands or pink pens.

Some more breat cancer fund related items available for a donation.

Judge Ilaena is sitting with superintendent Arian Dworzecki and show secretary Arlyse Deloyola.  They also donate their services.   Our club Northern California Angora Guild has donated $200 toward the cost of renting the Fiesta Hall at Santa Clara County Fairgrounds.  

A jar is on the secretary's table to accept additional donations.

Ted and Arlyse Deloyola are very active in the breast cancer charity events.  Here are the metal that they received from participating Susan G. Komen Foundation 3-day Walk Events.