Dominique And Her First French Angora

Five years fly very quickly for an adult; five years are an eternity for a child. Sisters Dominique and Elsa practically know French Angora all their lives.
Mama Gabrielle says,
"Our first FA was bought from Carol White almost five years ago. Dominique had just turned three and Elsa was 18-months old.
Dominique, age 3, holding our first FA doe. I can't remember if this was 1/17/04 at Santa Rosa or the following week, 1/24/04 in Orland. LCW's Onyx, who we called "Azure" was born on 12/16/03, and was mentioned in my article for the NCAG newsletter Matts and Fluff. Her littermate, LCW's Zircon, is the father to Dominique and Elsa's two grand-champion lilacs, bred by Lindsay Logan.
Below: almost 5-years later, Carol, Dominique (age 7) & Elsa (age 6) at Turlock 11/8/08."