Northern California Angora Guild

Thursday, August 25, 2005

German Angora

American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) recognizes four breeds of Angora: English Angora, French Angora, Giant Angora and Satin Angora. There are more breeds of Angora in the United States and the rest of the world. One of the more popular "other" breeds of Angora is German Angora, the foundation for the development of Giant Angora in the 1980s.

Our Massachusetts member Chris O. recently has a litter of German Angora. It's very nice of her to share the pictures with our members.

The picture on the right is taken when the litter was 6 weeks old. The picture on the left is one of her favorite does at 3 months old. German Angora and Giant Angora are similar, though not exactly the same, in their looks. Some of them are shown on the show table in the Giant Angora breed. Though there is a separate organization for the German Angora, there isn't any show that resembles the ARBA sanctioned shows.

Build a Better Mouse Trap

Cyndie always come up with good ideas.

Her rabbit feeds are too tasty, mice are invading the rabbit barn. She tried the traditional mouse traps such as glue paper but found it too cruel. She did not build a better mouse trap but did find a better mouse trap in Walmat. The name is called "Tom Cat", yes, the mouse trap has name!

She sent me a picture of three mice in "Tom Cat" to share. Well, mouse pictures are not as pleasant as baby bunnies. I am also posting a baby bunny photo from Cyndie, what a cutie the little girl is.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Betty and her BIS Girl

Chu's Mercedes won all breed Best In Show again! She won her first BIS on July 30 when she was 7 months old. At 7-3/4 months old, she won it again. The picture on the right shows Mercedes sitting on her prize. It was a very cool and windy day, you can see her wool blowing in the wind.

Betty is very happy with the results, you can see her holding Mercedes smiling ear to ear! Mercedes took an absence in the NCAG specialty show and let her sister Chu's Marissa shine. Marissa won over all the Angora and took specialty Best In Show.

Monterey Fair and NCAG Specialty Show

NCAG members had a great time at the Monterey Fair yesterday. Charlie, me, Tracy and family, Cathy, Kim and Kim's boyfriend all showed up for the competition and fun time. Ray Stacy on the left was the judge for English Angora when Charlie looked on; Randy Shumaker on the right judged French Angora and Satin Angora for the fair. In the picture, Randy was judging Tan, just in case you wonder why the rabbit appeared to be short haired.

In the NCAG specialty show, the two judges reversed their breeds.

Tracy won BOB, BOS in both French Angora and Satin Angora in both shows. Betty won Best In Show in both shows and Charlie won BOS English Angora in both shows.

The fair goers were fascinated by our beautiful rabbits. Lots of questions and answers.