Northern California Angora Guild

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Animals on the Prairie

Xinjiang, China is well known for its giant prairie, Albert visited in June, took photos of these horses running on the prairie.

A lone horse and a giant prairie.

Goats on the Xinjiang prairie.

And cattle run on the Xinjiang praire.

Xinjiang praire is home to groups of goats.

Another photo of a prairie? Close but not quite, it a group of Canadian Geese on the prairiep-like golf course in Morgan Hill, CA!

Bye, Canadian Geese.


Friday, August 30, 2024

Carol at Indiana State Fair, Part 2

Insect display.

Butterfly exhibit.

More butterflies.

Display from the future rocket scientists.

Dog information board.

Purdue University 4H informaiton.

4H is not just animals, crafts including sewing is also a skill to be encouraged.

In addition to judging, touring, Carol and Jim got to hang out with their college classmates at Hanover College from some 50 years ago.


Thursday, August 29, 2024

Carol at Indiana State Fair , Part 1

While we were at the CRCS Breast Cancer Benefit Show at San Jose, Carol was judging at the Indiana State Fair at Indianapolis.   After judging, Carol tours the fair and shares with us some interesting scenes.

Lots of frogs.

Beautiful foriculture exhibits.

Flower arrangements.

Glorious flower arrangement.

More flowers.

Big cake!

Cake decoration competition.


A very pretty cake.  It's not a basket!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Show C Best In Show Judging at San Jose

Show C Best In Show is judged by Ted Deloyola of Oregon.

Best In Show judging view from the other end.

Judge Ted examines the French Angora.

English Angora being examined.

Judge Ted awards the Best In Show to Bri's French Angora.

Arian's English Spot gets the Reserve In Show.

It's a benefit show, we had a great time, we donated money to a good cause, the French and English Angoras both did well in the competition,... what else could be better?    This post concludes the photos and reports of the CRCS breast cancer research show at San Jose on August 10, 2024.


Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Show B Best In Show Judging at San Jose

Show B Best In Show judge is Alysia Call.

View from the other end of the Best In Show judging.

Vianna patiently waiting for her turn to be examined.

Judge Alysia is coming to the wool corner.

English Angora Vianna gets examined.

Judge Alysia's choice of Best In Show is Arian Dworzecki's English Spot.

Reserve In Show goes to Lois Smith's Mini Rex.


Monday, August 26, 2024

Show A Best In Show Judging at San Jose

Ilaena Mellentine from Oregon is the show A Best In Show judge.

View from the other end of the judging table.

The three wool breeds: English Angora, American Fuzzy Lop and French Angora.

Judge Ilaena examines the French Angora.

English Angora being examined.

Best In Show goes to Chris Zemny's Holland Lop.

Reserve In Show is Betty Chu's English Angora.


Sunday, August 25, 2024

Show C French Angora Judging at San Jose

Stephanie watches judge Ted working on the French Angora.  On the table is the broken senior doe.

Bri is the table writer.

Judge Ted gives Bri a lesson about French Angora.

Bri's colored senior buck is the BOB, later advances to Best In Show.

Bri has a great day at the San Jose show.