Northern California Angora Guild

Saturday, February 21, 2009

It's 65% Off

Pebble Beach is known for high price real estate, expensive hotel and green fee. There is a bargain in town: the "AT&T Special, 6.21 carat, reg. price $195,000 less 65% sale price $66,500"

Who can pass up such a bargain, it's 65% off!!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Celebrity Tee Off

Bill Murray tees off.

Ray Ramono looks for his ball.

Justin Timberlake tees off.

George Lopez tees off.

Greg Kinnear tees off.

Chris Berman tees off.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Satin Angora And English Angora At AZ Convention

Rios Patsy won Best of Breed Satin Angora in all three shows.

Firt won the Best Opposite Sex.

Donna is a new Angora breeders since last year when she bought English Angora and Satin Angora from Tracy. Donna is also a new member of NCAG.

Tracy is going back to English Angora, here is ChaCha bred by Donna from the pair that she bought from Tracy.

Another of Tracy's new English Angora Jetta from Donna.

Tracy's new English Angora bunny Joshua, also from Donna.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

AZ Convention - Judges

Judge Randy - We're always happy to see Randy and Allen.

Josh Humphries - the clerk and a cute pink baseball hat with floppy bunny ears.

Judge Allen.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tracy And Franco Attend Arizona Convention - Part I

Tracy's Satin Angora set for the weekend at the AZ state convention.

English Angora at the AZ state convention.

French Angora at the AZ state convention.

Franco and the T-Rex out in the CA desert.

Campground for Saturday night. The weather was beautiful.

Tracy reports,

"There were three of the four Angora breeds represented at the AZ State Convention. The exhibitors were friendly and hospitable and the convention was well run and very organized."

Monday, February 16, 2009

Celebrities At Pebble Beach

AT&T Pro Am has a celebrity day, all proceeds go to the charity of the celebrity's choice. It is customary for the celebrities to accept interviews, to interact with fans and sign autographs.

Chris O'Donnell signs.

Ray Romano signs.

George Lopez signs.

Andy Garcia signs.

Chris Berman signs.

Bill Murray signs. He is wearing a Japanese dress that is rather uncommon for a golf game.

Kevin James signs.

Kenny G. does an interview. In the background wearing pale green is Huey Lewis who is also chatting up with reporters and fans.

An exception to the rule: Justin Timberlake would not talk to reporters, fans, no autographs, not even eye contacts. He stays as far from the crowd as possible. This picture was taken with a zoom in feature.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Spice In The Bottle

Spice in the bottle.

Spice appears from the bottle.

Spice decides whether to be in the bottle or out of the bottle.

Spice out of bottle.

When we cook, we get spice for flavor; and spice usually comes in the bottle. Carol W. must have premonition about her little French Angora buck by naming him "Spice"; she says,

"We all know that baby bunnies can get into lots of mischief, but I wasn't expecting this...I keep my young bunnies in the house, and while I was busy elsewhere, I heard a funny noise in my dining room. When I went to see what was up, I could only see 3 of the 4 rabbits. I looked in the cage, nestbox, and other places, but couldn't find the little dickens. then some movement caught my eye - he was in a vase! I quickly grabbed the camera, and moved the vase to a better spot for pictures. You can see the results. But before I could help him get out, the bunny gently knocked the vase over and hopped out on his own."