Friday, February 17, 2006
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Kimijo Judges English Angora

In Bakersfield, Kimijo judges English Angora. It's so wonderful to have a thoughtful and thorough judge to go through our rabbits. As usual, Kimijo checks everything carefully and makes relevant remarks. In these two photos, we can see how concentrated she is. We wish to have her more often in shows.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Scenes from Bakersfield

Here are some photos of the people in the Bakersfield show. On the top, Randy and Melissa are taking a short break from judging. Randy's Mini Rex won Reserve in show A and Best in show B. In the second photo, Pete and Lori with Chloe came to visit. They took a picture with Armando, our wonderful judge and superintendent of the show. In the third photo, Kimijo on the left is judging English Angora and Doug is judging Tan. In the fourth photo from left to right is Bonnie, Kathy and Tambria. Bonnie is Armando's wife, the secretary of this show. Kathy is helping at the secretary's table and Tambia is Kathy's daughter.
Kern County RBA does a wonderful job putting on the shows and we all have a good time.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Monday, February 13, 2006
Victoria and Cathy

Hope Victoria and Cathy will travel to No. CA shows some time.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Emilia Wins Another All Breed Best In Show

A wonderful show day in Bakersfield. The hosts are gracious, weather nice and warm, friendly exhibitor and nice visitors. Chu's Emilia continues her winning streak, wins another Best In Show in show A. Reserve In Show is Randy's Mini Rex. The same two rabbits are the winners of Best In show and Reserve In Show in show A in Stockton the week prior. Photo here are Randy with his Mini Rex, Best In Show judge Kimijo and Betty with Emilia.
Randy's Mini Rex wins the Best In Show in show B.