Northern California Angora Guild

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Show C English/French/Satin Angora Judging at Hollister

Show C judging Angoras is Scott Rodriguez of WY.

Judge Scott handling a white English Angora.

Judge Scott examining a colored English Angora.

BOV white and BOV colored competing for BOB English Angora.  Guess what? It's a mama and daughter competition: the BOV white is Princess Ga Ga and the BOV colored is Aurelia.   Aurelia wins over her mother Princess Ga Ga.  

Judge Scott bred and showed English Angora when he was a youth, winning ARBA convention youth BOB and open BOV in 1988.  A year or so later, he won Best In Show with his English Angora in the open and youth Angora National.  

The French Angoras are next to be judged.

Lillian comes by to help clerking.  On the table is the French Angora colored senior doe.

The cute French Angora junior bucks being judged and the littermate junior does looking on.

Now the two pretty French Angora junior does are the focus. 

The two colored French Angora seniors competing for BOB and BOSB.   The chestnut doe wins the BOB and the chocolate agouti buck is the BOSB.

Colored and white Satin Angoras are next to be judged.

Casey clerks for the Satin Angora.

The white Satin Angora are being examined.  The BOB Satin Angora is a white senior doe.

For a list of winners, go to:

NCAG Show Results: December 7, 2024 Angora Showing at Hollister



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