Northern California Angora Guild

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The Making of a Show at Monterey

We go to shows and would see tables, chairs, judging coops, loud speakers, ... all set up.  We'd park and unload our rabbits and we have fun time.    Tables, chairs, coops, ... don't set themselves up, there are volunteers doing the hard work.  Here are some photos of the CRCS show from setting up to getting the show going at Monterey on Sunday, July 14, 2024.

Before 6:30, Randy parks his truck and trailer next to the barn to unload the show equipment.

The metel sawhorses are put into locations where the judging tables will be.   Lily who is the superintendent carrying a big piece of equipment....

Randy, Lily and Lauralee carrying the table tops to be put on the metal sawhorses.

Exhibitors starting to come in, some join the volunteer force to put up the judging coops.

Around 7:30, the set up is close to completion and exhibitors are taking up spaces to set up their rabbits and cavies.

Judging starts promptly at 8:30 am. 

The cavy corner.

Nichole's cavy booth.

KW cage on display.

Happy exhibitors enjoying the show.

The weather in Monterey is always mild, after a 2-week heatwave of triple digit temperature in most areas, it is a treat to be visiting Monterey that has an amazing ocean breeze with temperature in the 60s. 



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