Northern California Angora Guild

Friday, May 24, 2024

Betty's Annual Barn Cleaning - Day 1 and Day 2

Twenty some buns are in their carriers.   This is not something that they'll enjoy.  It's no fun to be staying in the garage.

In order to thoroughly clean the barn, it is necessary to take everyone and everything out of the barn.  

No matter how often the condos are regularly cleaned everyday everyweek, there are still wool and poops stuck on the wires.

In order to thoroughly rid of the wool and poops on the wire, it's necessarly to flame and power wash each and every cage.

In addition to the wool and poops, spiders love to join the party to add decorations to the barn.  My lovely hubby is working tirelessly to power wash every nooks and crannies.

The strong power washer makes the cleaning much more efficient.

The stain glass was my English Angora's first Best In Show in 1986, see:
Northern California Angora Guild: A Rabbit Stained Glass Art ( 
The big thing on the upper right is the swamp cooler, a lifesaver durng the summer.  To understand how it works, go to:
Northern California Angora Guild: Swamp Cooler (

The sun coming out from the east, the barn is free of wool, poops and spider webs.

If you wonder why there is an area that is not covered by concrete, the reason is that there used to be a big tree at that location.   Over 40 years ago my original barn was built around the tree to co-exist with it.   Over the next 20 years, the tree became so big and so top heavy that it's hazardous to the rabbits.  In 2006 the tree was removed by professional tree cutter and then my lovely hubby reconstructed the barn.   You can see the tree cutting and the barn reconstruction at:

Northern California Angora Guild (

It took 2 months to complete the project, see the blogpost:

Northern California Angora Guild: Betty's Barn Reconstruction - Done (



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