Northern California Angora Guild

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Show C English Angora Judging at Merced

English Angoras on the table waiting for judge Joe to start.

Judge Joe starts with the English Angora white senior buck class. 

Another white senior buck being examined.

The white junior buck catches judge Joe's eyes and the junior goes over the senior buck.

The white senior doe is always more impressive than the bucks.

The white senior doe is the BOV and the junior buck BOSV.

Judge Joe examines one of the three colored senior does.

That's called an Angora coat!

Great density.

The senior doe is awarded the BOB, she goes on to win Reserve In Show in show C.

For a list of winners, go to:

NCAG Show Results: May 4, 2024 Angora Showing at Merced (



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