Show A Best In Show judging at Vallejo
Show A to judge Best In Show is Cathy Szychulda. On the very left end of the table is the Satin Angora. |
Reserve In Show goes to Casey's Satin Angora. The two top winners are both "Sheen" breeds. |
Show A to judge Best In Show is Cathy Szychulda. On the very left end of the table is the Satin Angora. |
Reserve In Show goes to Casey's Satin Angora. The two top winners are both "Sheen" breeds. |
Casey and Stephanie watching the English Angora judging.
The colored senior doe is the BOB winner, she goes on to win the open Best In Show in show B. |
Breed judge Kathi, show B Best In Show judge Louis and Betty with the English Angora colored senior doe at the end of the day. |
Carolyn, Stephanie, Casey and Betty having a good time during lunch break at Vallejo.
It is a tiny cheese cake for Casey, the thought counts. |
Angel joins in the photo op, we are very happy to see Angel who had not been appearing in shows for a while. Welcome back and keep on showing. |
Stephany Brundage watches judge Misty examining her English Angora white senior buck. The buck goes on to win BOSV. |
Judge Misty examines an English Angora white senior doe. |
Judge Misty pleaces the white senior doe as BOV.
The next class is the colored senior doe class. |
Judge Misty checks the underside of the full coated colored senior doe. |
The colored senior doe class is usually where the winner comes from. No exception here, the colored senior doe goes on to win BOB. For a list of winners, go to: NCAG Show Results: January 4, 2025 Angora Showing at Vallejo |
There is one youth English Angora entry, Chloe does a great job keeing the white junior doe in good condition. |
Chloe is doing youth activities when the English Angora breed is called, sister Bianca helps to put the rabbit on the table. Judge Misty is impressed with the good job the youth is doing. |
Next on the table for judge Misty is the French Angora breed. |
There are white, pointed white and colored French Angoras. |
Carolyn watches her pointed white French Angora doe being judged. |
Judge Misty evaluateing a black French Angora. |
Stephanie and Carolyn at the French Angora table. The BOB French Angora goes to Carolyn's pointed white doe. For a list of winners, go to: |
The fun scene for the show is to accuse/jail the judges of a crime! Here is Misty's crime. |
Misty is wearing an orange t-shirt supplied by the SVRC, "Orange is the New Black"? |
Misty is evaluating a white Satin Angora. |
Nice body, wool and sheen, the white senior doe goes on to win BOB then to Reserve In Show in show A. |
Misty is examining a junior black Satin Angora. |
Two black junior Satin Angoras are better than one. |
The copper Satin Angora senior doe is beautiful but still could not win over her white sister. For a list of winners, go to: NCAG Show Results: January 4, 2025 Angora Showing at Vallejo |
As we have seen in yesterday's post that the Reserve In Show in show A is Casey's Satin Angora Prim Rose. |
Yes, Satin Angora has come a long way. Casey had Satin Angora in the 1990s but gave it up. The breed had good sheen but produced very little wool. The temperment wasn't the best either. |
Casey went back to Satin Angora around 2006, has been working hard to continue the improvement that occured between the 1990s and 2006. Casey's Satin Angora has done great, winning the top honors, even the open Best In Show at the West Coast Classic a few years ago.
The Angoras had a great day at Vallejo, Casey's Satin Angora Prim Rose won open Reserve In Show in show A and Betty's English Angora Aurelia won open Best In Show in show B. We can say the Angoras have come a long way since the 1980s when most of the Best In Show winners were meat breeds. |