Melissa, A Rising Star
The shows in Stockton on Saturday was the first show of a new club: The Rabbit Club. Melissa and her husband Ed are the founders of this club.
Melissa is a new judge. Her license is less than a year old but she has all the signs of being a rising star. When she was working for her license under various judges, we had the opportunity to observe her interacting with the presiding judges when judging different breeds of Angora. We found that she grasped the concepts very quickly, some of her comments were more accurate than the judges who she was working under. From then on, we have been looking forward to having her as a judge.
This weekend we finally got the chance. Her comments were to the point, she was very gentle in handling the rabbits and her placing of the rabbits were almost identical to that of Cathy's. Cathy is an excellent judge and very experienced, we consider her judging one of the very top. We got the same results from Melissa who is in her first year of judging. We are very impressed with Melissa. From what I've heard, after an assignment in judging youth rabbits at the Indy convention, several specialty clubs has contacted Melissa to book her for convention judging in the next few years.
In the top photo, Melissa is judging English Angora with Betty writing down the comments; in the second photo, Melissa is judging French Angora with Tracy being the table clerk.
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