Scenes in the Indy Showroom
The showroom at Indy is huge, there are lots of things to see.
In the top photo, an English Angora was made up by adding spiders on its wool to participate in the "Scary Rabbit" contest for Halloween. Wool, Skein and Garment contest items are on display at the Angora booth in the second photo. In the third photo from the top, we get a general idea how rabbits are housed during the convention. The coops are double stacked, the sizes of the coops are 21" x 30" or 22" x 25". The collapsible coops are set on a long wooden platform. We exhibitors bring in wire riser bottoms for the rabbits to sit on. The rabbits on this isle are the French Angora.
These three photos are provided by Debbie E. of Indiana. Thanks, Debbie.
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