Friends at Indy
Convention is a place to renew old friendship and make new ones.
In the top photo, Charlie is making a new friend with Alex, a 14-year-old youth exhibitor. Alex is from Maryland who has been showing English Angora for a couple of years. In the picture, Alex is holding a colored senior doe that she bought from Charlie. The doe won the first place in the convention youth judging. Alex is happy and Charlie is happy.
In the second photo, Betty is with Vicki from MN. Vicki and Betty have been friends for over 10 years, they see each other in the convention each year. Convention is definitely the place for old friendship renewal. Vicki's daughter Kelly won youth Best In Show in the 1998 convention with a daughter from the first rabbit Kelly bought from Betty.
In the third photo, Betty is with Raykun. Raykun is not a rabbit breeder, she went to graduate school with Betty. They met in Indiana at University of Notre Dame over 30 years ago, definitely old friends. Raykun and husband flew in from California to visit, more than anyone could expect of a dear friend. Betty is thrilled to see her there.
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