The Cal State show at Fresno starts on Saturday, March 1, 2025, no Angora shown in show A.
On Sunday, March 2, 2025, English Angoras and French Angoras were shown in show B and C.
The first show on Sunday is designated as show B. Judge for Angoras is Joel Marshall of Illinois.
The two colored senior bucks are being compared for the class winner.
Judge Joel looks at the front of the colored senior buck.
Judge Joel looks at the back.
The judging coops are too small for the full coated English Angora.
 | The colored senior buck class is done and now the colored senior doe.
Judge Joel examines the colored senior doe for a distance. |
The two colored seniors compets for the BOB and the colored senior doe gets the win, the BOSB goes to the colored senior buck. They are littermate siblings, and no wonder they are so similar. |
For a list of winners, go to:
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