Northern California Angora Guild

Friday, February 28, 2025

Friends at Shows

Going to shows is not just for competition, it's also a chance to catch up with old friendship and make new friends.   Casey and Betty are so happy to see Gabe who was into the French Angora but no longer involved.   Without rabbits, Gabe is a rare sight in rabbit shows.   

Betty and Scott are old friends for over 35 years.    Scott was a youth and Betty was a middle aged but young at heart woman.   Now Betty is an oldie but still young at heart while Scott is on the top of his game being a in-demand judge and an ARBA district director.

Adding Chris into the photo of old friends.   Chris and Betty started in rabbits around the same time, now well into more than 4 decades.  Scott is a baby comparing to the two old ladies.

Dara with her friends.   Dara was a kid when her mom Trina started showing English Lops.  Now Dara has her own family and children and English Lops.

Betty and Teresa made friends when Betty adopted Bao Bao and Bei Bei from Teresa at the Merced Fairgounds.  Teresa is the Big Boss at the Merced Fairgrounds, but she is as down to earth as anyone.  She takes care of the Fairground business but still have time to care for the feral cats.   Bao Bao and Bei Bei were so lucky to have her looking after them and found a home with Betty.   

The best friends of Betty, Casey and Carol.   We always have the best time when we see each other with or without rabbits in our arms.

Another "I know you since you were a kid" friend!  Paul was a preteen when he met Betty, look at how much bigger he is than Betty.   



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