Northern California Angora Guild

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Open Top Winners at the Alameda Fair in Pleasantion


Alameda County Fair used to hold coop in shows but this year the format changed to one day carrying cage show held on Saturday, June 15, 2024.   The entries are better than expected, the number of judges increased from two to three.  It's a single show, so a three-judge panel is equavent to a 6-8 judge panel in triple shows.   The three judges are Doug King, Jennifer Milburn and Melissa Magee.   The wool breed is represented by Carol's American Fuzzy Lop, no Angora shown.  With the format of one-day carrying cage show, it's hopeful that the Angora people may be interested in participating in the future.

The Best In Show winner is Randy Shumaker's New Zealand.   Randy is a bit camera shy so Lauralee stands in for his win.

Reserve In Show goes to Carol Green's American Fuzzy Lop.


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