Northern California Angora Guild

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Newspaper Interview

Left to right, photographer Felipe and reporter Jessica from Metro Silicon Valley came over to do an interview.

Jessica has Susie sleeping on her lap with Felipe looking on.

Betty and Jessica with Susie soundly asleep on Jessica's lap.

Felipe took pictures of Betty's Angora hats and scarves.

Betty says,

"I received a request via my etsy shop from Jessica Fromm, a staff reporter from Metro Silicon Valley. Metro is a weekly community newspaper that has been in publication for 25 years. Jessica found it interesting to see a local handcraft cottage business in the place that she grew up: Morgan Hill. We made an appointment; she and photographer Felipe came today.

Felipe took many photos of the rabbits and my Angora creations. I took pictures of them. We had a great time. I look forward to seeing the paper when the interview and photos come out in a week or two; will report it on blog."


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