Northern California Angora Guild

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Carol W. and Laura W. Go To San Francisco Zoo

Carol W. with one of her winning rabbits.

Laura is as pretty as a peacock.

Carol is worthy of being a professional photographer catching such a great picture of the lion.

The lion couple at the San Francisco Zoo.

The bear photo was taken through glass in the new Grizzly Gulch enclosure. He is sitting between two huge boulders as though posing.

The giraffe relaxes in the sun.

Carol's another award-worthy shot.

The man was giving one fish at a time to each bird and the woman was writing down the band # so that they would know exactly how many fish each penguin ate. And they feed them as many as the birds want. If they take a fish and don't eat it, it gets picked up and removed from the count. They also have to make sure that each penguin gets one fish that has had vitamin supplements added to it.


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