Best and Reserve In Show Winners in Bakersfield
Allen with show B BIS winner Mini Rex "Panic" and show A RIS Netherland Dwarf "Virage".
Tambria with show B RIS winner Holland Lop. Allen is the breed judge.
Allen sends good news: Randy and Allen's rabbits did very well at the Kern County RBA shows in Bakersfield. This is what he says:
"Bakersfield was a great show for us! First of all, the building where the show was held was fantastic: huge, spacious, and best of all, cool! It was the first time I have ever felt comfortable in Bakersfield thanks to the awesome showroom. This is a show that everyone should plan to attend each year considering the amenities. Our rabbits did very well! We won BOB and BOS in both Mini Rex Open Shows, as well as the Mini Rex Specialty Show. In Netherland Dwarf, we also won BOB and BOS in both Open Shows. In Show A, we had RIS with my Black Otter Netherland Dwarf Doe, VIRAGE. She is almost senior, and I have only shown her at 3 other shows. In Show B, our Broken Black Mini Rex, PANIC, won BIS! PANIC was 2nd place to the BOB winner at the Mini Rex National Show in Missouri, two weeks ago. In Show B, Tambria, Joe, and Kathy Lugo won RIS with their Broken Holland Lop Buck. Tambria was very excited and so were we all for her!"
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