Another Day of Extreme Heat
Monday came and went. It was better than Sunday but not by much. The official number for Morgan Hill was 107 degrees, but the thermometers in our garage and unfinished barn still showed 100 and 110 respectively.
I was more organized after my experience in the last two days. I added few more carriers. By noon, 40+ rabbits were brought inside. We do not have air conditioning, but there is a swamp cooler on the window of our family room. Temperature inside is in the mid 80s, not wonderful but bearable.
Each buck had the first claim of a carrier; next in line were the does with show coats. Bunnies shared bigger carriers; the last batch were the does that were cut down. When the carriers were filled, the cut down does went into bathrooms.
There are more carriers with rabbits in the first photo than the previous day. In the second photo, does are sharing the shower stall and bathroom. In the third photo, Mercedes is having a reunion with her bunnies in another shower stall. One of her bunnies is not in this picture because he's out of the camera range.
When the temperature became more bearable around 8 pm, all rabbits were put back to their cages in the garage. After feeding and watering the rabbits, I went through the same procedure of dragging all the carriers out of the family room, then cleaned the bathrooms.
This morning, the carriers were dragged in again as a standby. So far only one rabbit show a sign of discomfort, she was brought in. I hope this is the last day of taking the carriers in. My old body is feeling like going to shows with 40 rabbits for four days in four different locations in a roll, except that there has been no fun of seeing my fellow friends, no joy of winning nor any agony of defeat.
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