Melissa Judges Three Breeds of Angora
In the Stockton show last weekend, Melissa judged English Angora, French Angora and Satin Angora. As usual, she did a wonderful job in judging.
In the last three days, we have seen the Best of Breed English Angora Chu's Emilia that went on to win Reserve In Show; then we saw the Best of Breed and Best Opposite Sex French Angora and Satin Angora. Today we have the Best Opposite Sex English Angora, a young tort senior buck Chu's Marcel in the top photo. In the second photo, Melissa is evaluating him on the judge table. Marcel has been the Best Opposite Sex winner for several weeks. He is less than 7 months old but already has the body, density, texture and length of wool to compete with other bucks. This is the first time his photo appeared on our blog.
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