Judges in the CRCS Napa Shows
We have the chance of showing more photos of our judges here. In the first photo on the top, Randy is examining a black English Angora owned by Sharon, in red shirt, who is looking on at the judging table. Randy is the vice president of the American Rabbit Breeders Association, one of the most popular judges in the nation. He judges all over the country and many times voted by exhibitors to pick the Best In Show in the national conventions. Sharon is one of our new members. Though she has English Angora for many years, she is new to the show circuit. Casey is doing the writing and Cole next to Sharon is looking at the judging.
In the second photo from the top, Brooke is judging Satin Angora with Tracy recording the results. Brooke is one of our youngest but experienced judges. She bred some wonderful French Lops. She has not been as active in shows recently, we were thrilled to see her in Napa.
In the third photo, Manuel and Chris are celebrating the Holland Lop winning the Reserve In Show. Manuel is a professor at Sonoma State University, one of the very top New Zealand breeders in the nation. His New Zealand won Group at the national convention in 2001 and 2002. Well, other New Zealand breeders found a way to get him out of competition by voting for him to judge New Zealand in the 2003 and 2004 conventions. We hope Manuel is going to compete really hard this year. Chris's Holland Lop is well known for the top quality. For several shows recently, Betty's English Angora and Chris's Holland Lop were at the top two spots at the Best In Show table. Napa was one of these shows, Betty's white doe Lexika and the pretty Holland Lop that Chris is holding took the Best In Show and Reserve In Show.
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