Northern California Angora Guild

Saturday, January 04, 2025

Sunday BAARG Specialty Show Judging at Anderson

Cute prizes for the Sunday BAARG specialty show on display.  Who will get it?  Let the competition begin!

Spectators watching the BAARG judging.

Griffin Harrah is the judge for the BAARG Sunday specialty show.

English Angora white variety being evaluated by judge Griffin Harrah.

  Stephany Brundage only entered her one white buck in the two specialty shows.  In this show, her white buck received BOSV and got his senior leg to grand.  Congratulations to Stephany.

BOV English Angora goes to the white senior doe.

One of the English Angora colored senior bucks.

The English Angora colored senior doe is on her back to be checked.
Deidre clerks.

French Angora is the next breed.

French Angora has more exhibitors, all full of hope.

All watching French Angora judging with interest.

The French Angora BOB goes to Carol's colored senior doe, the BOSV goes to Betty's colored senior buck, the colored junior buck winner is Carol's and the colored junior doe winner is Deidre's. 

The Specialty Best In Show goes to Betty's English Angora colored senior doe and Reserve In Show is Tammy chestnut Giant Angora intermediate doe.

Happy winners and handsome judge.

Betty gets three cute skeleton rabbits, the big one for the English Angora BOB and the two smaller ones for the BOSB English Angora and BOSB French Angora.

The Christmas candies in the mug for the specialty Best In Show. 
BAARG gives out the cutest prizes, thanks to Tammy and her group.

For a list of the BAARG show winners, go to:



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