Northern California Angora Guild

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Keketuohai No. 3 Pit in Xinjaing, China

A few days ago, Albert shared the beautiful streams and geo formations of Keketuohai in Xinjaing.  The area was originally considered as a state secret that no one other than the military personnels could enter.   Only in recent years that it was openned for visitors and became a tourist attraction.

Keketuohai is an area that was classified as a high state secret at the founding of the People's Republic of China. 

When open for visitors, the state contructed facilities and memorials to celebrate the past and the present.   

Pit No. 3 is known as the Museum of Geology and Mineral Resources at home and abroad, and is the "Mecca" for geologists all over the world.   The Pit possesses 86 of th 140 plus known minerals on earth.

The Keketuohai No. 3 Pit measures 200 meters deep, 250 meters long and 240 meters wide.  The side wall has a spiral winding road, and the water overflows to the waist of the pit.

We thank Albert for providing these interesting photos and descriptions.



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