Northern California Angora Guild

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

County of Santa Clara Animal Shelter at San Martin

The Santa Clara County Animal Shelter is officially called the Animal Service Center.   It was only completed in 2021.  As we can see the facility is very new and modern.  
Here are introductions of the opening and the services provided:
County of Santa Clara Animal Services Center | Architect Magazine
A new animal services center in California reflects current care trends (
  It is a no kill shelter by goal, it's estimated to have reached the goal into the high 90 percentiles.


What was the reason that I visited the service center?   
The center facebook page has a post calling for donation of hard shell kennels to send some kittens to other areas.   Since I am not planning on flying to faraway convention locations, I decided I could donate one of my 3 kennels.   My kennel is bigger than what they would like to have, but it is a nice kennel and only used in two convention trips: a one-way trip from Indiana back to SFO (the airline changed requirement mid trip so I had to buy a kennel at Indianapolis) then a round trip to Massachusetts.  I figure if it is not to be used for kittens, maybe it will be useful for the transfer of puppies or a big dog.

My convention kennel is definitely suitable for puppies and dogs.   When I wheeled it in, I was met with suspecious looks.   I said, "I am here to donate a kennel".    I saw faces of relief; one person said, "I thought there were puppies inside".   I said, "I will never do that, I take responsibility of my animals".  The staff/volunteer was very happy and commented the kennel was very nice and asked whether I wish to get a receipt for the donation.  I declined.    The screen in front of the shelter entrance flashes different images of dogs and puppies.

On my way out, I took some photos of the huge digital billboards showing what animals that the shelter serves.  Here are the rabbits!

This shelter serves chickens too.

Cats and kittens, of course.

Farm animals too.   In addition, I have seen listings of peacocks, turtles, extra.

By the way, this shelter is less than 10 miles from my home.   I have visited there in the past when I was scouting for a kitten.  It's nice and clean, cool and comfortable for the animals.



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