Northern California Angora Guild

Monday, March 18, 2024

Carolyn Achieves the Kimekomi Doll Instructor Status

Carolyn Sawai is honored at my Kimekomi class for completing the series of course dolls, and official a Kimekomi Doll official instructor.  It took Carolyn 10 years to get to this point, the process is longer than getting a PhD degree or getting an ARBA judge's license!  Over the years we have seen photos of the Kimekomi dolls that were made by Carolyn, and we learned along the way about this Japanese art form.   To see some of these dolls, go to:

Northern California Angora Guild (

This is Carolyn's certificate this is granted from the Mataro Doll Craft Academy in Japan. Carolyn has been studying under her sensei (master instructor) Masanori Isako Wasano, she is very to grateful to her for her training.  Sensei Wasano has been studying and teaching this unique Japanese art for 5 decades.
Information about Sensei Wasano is posted on
Cupertino Cherry Blossom Festival - 2012 Masanori-Isako Wasano

The rabbit and the doll displayed with her certificate are two of Carolyn's favorite creations.  

One of Carolyn's fellow Kimekomi Doll makers baked a cake for the class to share.   The flowers symbols the blossoms in the spring time....

...  with pink flowers are blooming outside the Kimekomi classroom.

The Cherry Blossom doll display in Cupertino is scheduled for April 27-28.


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