Northern California Angora Guild

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Simone Gets Another Haircut

Simone was born in January 2020, she is now 3-3/4 years old.  She has had tons of wins including all breed Best In Show, she also has many haircuts and two sons and a daughter.     This photo was taken a few days after the Merced show. 

This is another photo of Simone taken the same day, just minutes before the next haircut.

Without any show in the next month and a half, it's time for another haircut.

Even though the first cut is hard, after so many times of cutting and regrowing, haircut for Simone seems to be a routine.

Simone is producing a nice wool fall.

The major part of the wool are taken off Simone, she gets a handspun handknit sweater for the night.  The rest of the wool cut will be completed in a few days.



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