Northern California Angora Guild

Friday, December 17, 2021

Show C French Angora and Satin Angora Judging at Hollister

There are five white French Angoras on the table for judge Doug to examine.

One of the white French Angora is being judged.   The colored French Angora are on the other part of the coops behind judge Doug.

Linea's French Angora colored senior buck wins the BOSB, she is happy!   Judge Doug is very encouraging to youth.   The BOB is the white senior doe.

The last Angora breed of the day is the Satin Angora.

There are five colored Satin Angora and one white.   Judge Doug is examining the white Satin Angora.  


For a list of the winners, go to:

NCAG Show Results: December 4, 2021 Angora Showing at Hollister (


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