Northern California Angora Guild

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

French Angora Texture

The Standard of Perfection describes the French Angora texture:
"Wool is to exhibit an abundance of guard hair that should protrude above the underwool.  Underwool is to be heavily crimped.  There should be sufficient underwool to balance the guard hair.  Wool should be full of life, strong and fall free". 

This is a first coat French Angora.    Using the SOP wordings, the guard hairs are visible and underwool is crimped.   When showing, it is common to receive a comment that the wool is too soft.  Is it too soft?  Not sure.   Any animal, be Angora rabbits or Angora goats, or even sheep, their young coats are usually finer and softer.   The first coat French Angora texture is no exception.

This is the wool from the same rabbit, photo taken of the second coat.   The more matured coat/subsequent coats tend to have more guard hairs, and that the guard hairs are thicker than the finer guard hairs of the first coat.  It's just a natural progression.   Due to the way the SOP is worded, French Angora has a longer show life as the guard hairs are being treasured than being faulted as in English Angora.   



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