Northern California Angora Guild

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Chestnut and the Band Pattern

In the litter of the three brothers, two are cream.  One blue cream and one lilac cream as shown in the post yesterday.  The third brother is a chestnut.

According to the Standard of Perfection, the description of chestnut is:   "Surface color is a rich chestnut, ticked with black tipped guard hairs.  It shall have one or more intermediate bands of tan, alternating with slate, with a blue-gray undercolor".
This junior buck has rich chestnut color, ticked with black tipped guard hairs. 

It has more than one intermediate bands of tan, alternating with slate, with a blue-gray undercolor.
This photo is taken under the nature light with the wool gently parted.

This photo is taken with the aid of a blower to straighten out all the wool to show the bands.

This chestnut junior buck shows all the correct band pattern, a rare gem.


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