It's the day of our annual triple specialty show and potluck party!!! It is also the ten-year anniversary of our blog.
Initially the blog was an occasional blog reporting NCAG activities only. Over time our blog evolved into a daily blog on all sorts of rabbit related activities.
This year NCAG holds triple specialty shows in conjunction with triple specialty shows of American Fuzzy Lop, Jersey Wooly and Mini Rex on June 27, 2015 at Carol G's home. We appreciate her hospitality for all these years, it's a lot of work for her and her family.
Here are some scenes from NCAG specialty show A, judge is Nate Burbidge from Utah. Nate was the Angora National judge in 2013, he is also voted in as the ARBA convention judge a few years from now.
Nine o'clock in the morning, English Angora goes onto judge Nate's table. Maria from WA and Matt from Oakland are watching Nate's judging. Nate's son Stuart helps with table duty.
Judge Nate is looking at the wool very carefully, Casey and Hope join the watch group.
Charlie shows up by then, Matt is extra nervous to hear the comment on his English Angora colored junior doe from his first litter.
Judge Nate is now judging the white French Angora, Hope takes over the writing job. In the background are Carol G doing paper work while judge Kevin is working on American Fuzzy Lop, in the far background Angel takes comments of the Jersey Wooly.
Two of the three Chestnut Brothers are on the table being examined. The three brothers do very well taking 2nd, 3rd and 4th. The first place goes to their half brother Gibson who is a month older.
Judge Nate is working on the French Angora colored senior does. More are watching the judging.
Watching the colored French Angora judging are Jill, Julie, Lindsay and Maria.
Specialty A Best In Show goes to Betty's English Angora colored senior Doe Chu's Donnica.
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